Chapter 9 - The Raccoon

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On the next morning, the sun rises from the rocky wall.

The sunlight brightens the tower.

Eugene and Varian are cuddled together on the purplish bed. They are asleep. Eugene and Varian was cloaked by a big pink blanket. They are snoring quietly.

The white horse snoozes on the enormous rug. Maximus flickers his eyes. The sunshine lights up on the white horse. Maximus yawned. The white horse's legs stretches out. Maximus was up and about to make his day.

Suddenly, the white horse hears some little chomping noises.

Maximus becomes aware.

The white horse listens to sound of small eating.

Maximus detected something.

The white horse was angry.

It was a furry woodland creature. It has four black paws. It has a light gray on most of its body. It has a patch of white on its stomach. It has a big black nose. It has two bigger spots on its pair of eyes. It has a black and white horizontal-striped-tail. It's eating food from the weaved-basket. The furry woodland creature heard the animal's heavy breathing. It was holding a chunk of bread. The furry woodland creature seemed to be perplexed.

Maximus frowned and growled.

The white horse squealed louder.

Eugene and Varian wakes up. They are startled.

Eugene blinks his eyes twice.

Varian was knowledgeable. "Maximus..." He believed.

Eugene was definite. "The tower's been breached!" He exclaimed. Eugene got out of the mattress first. He hurries out of the bedroom.

Varian gets out of the bed next. He fetches the black frying pan from the white vanity furniture. Varian dashes to Eugene. He gripped the black frying pan with both hands.

Eugene and Varian detects the white horse. Eugene was alarmed. He gestured him out. "Varian, get behind me." Eugene whispered.

Varian backs up. He stayed at Eugene's back. Varian was nervous. "What's up with Maximus?" He wondered.

Eugene focused on the white horse. "I think he's triggered at something." Eugene replied.

Varian raises his eyebrow. He was bewildered. "Something?" Varian inquired.

Maximus neighs at the furry woodland creature. The white horse got it cornered.

The furry woodland creature was fearful. It was quivering.

Eugene and Varian walks slowly. Eugene was bemused. "Max, what do we got here?" He asked.

The white horse communicating with Eugene sternly. Maximus glared at the furry woodland creature.

It was scared to death. The furry woodland creature whimpers.

Eugene was pleased. "You caught a critter for stealing our food from the basket." He added. Eugene patted the white horse's neck. "Way to go, Max." He aforesaid.

Varian blinked his eyes thrice times. He was compassionate at it. Varian grasped Eugene's right arm. He was pleading. "Eugene, it's just a raccoon." Varian added. Eugene was astonished at him. Varian meant it. "You have to go easy on the poor thing." He begged.

Eugene frowns. "Varian, that poor thing ATE our food." He added, gesturing him out. "I don't know how the raccoon got in the tower. But it can go bother anywhere else besides here." Eugene declares. He crisscrosses his arms.

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