Chapter 2 - Trouble

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Flynn and Varian's adventure to the tower begins.

They are walking thru the quiet forest.

Flynn had to lead the way.

Varian was just following him. He was like a puppy shadowing his big hero.

They became confident.

Flynn considers about him. He smiled. "You know, I can't ask you about your hair." Flynn uttered.

Varian touches his lock of blue highlight. "Born with it." He believed.

Flynn gestures himself. "Or having a thing about me." He said.

Varian chuckles. "The adventure books of Flynnigan Rider are the classics." He admitted.

Flynn shrugs. "I'm even more scared to ask about your scienc-y thing-y." He mentioned.

Varian raises his eyebrow at him. "Alchemy." He told him.

Flynn was pondering. "Now let me clarify this." He added. "If you want to go to the tower so bad, why didn't you do it before?" He wondered.

Varian became anxious. He clings his right arm. Varian halted. "I don't know." He added. Varian sighed. "It was my hot running water tank project..." he replied.

Flynn glances at him. He goes back to Varian. Flynn stopped. He was puzzled. "Your hot running water what project?" Flynn asked.

"My hot running water tank project...I have tried several times to get my invention to work...Then, it failed several times after that...Maybe I recheck my creation lots of times...Then, I thought I was overdoing my compound, the Flynnolium..." Varian answered.

Flynn was baffled. "You named your compound after me?" He inquires.

Varian shrugged. "You were my inspiration based off of your adventures." He aforementioned.

Flynn blinks his eyes twice.

Varian was concerned. He sighs. "I wanted to built something for everyone...Just to make my dad proud...Instead...It got worse anyhow...Or I got worse..." He stated.

Flynn tilted his head. He was bewildered. "Like you're not careful about your invention thing-y?" He asks.

Varian was solemn. "I may be 13 going on 14...I just..." He added. Varian took a deep breath. "I just don't want to end up being a bad guy..." He answers.

Flynn sympathizes him.

Suddenly, they heard the rumbling from the trees.

Varian was worried. "Flynn? Flynn?!" He exclaims.

Flynn was alarmed. "Run, kid! Run!" He shouted.

They hurried thru the peaceful woods.


Flynn and Varian are running away for their lives.

They paused at the river bank.

The Stabbinton brothers appears in the distance. They saw them.

Varian was quizzical. "Who's that?" He wondered.

Flynn was unease. "They don't like me." He replied.

The Corona's Captain of the Guard and his soldiers arrives. They are behind them.

Varian and Flynn glances at them.

"Who's that?" Varian wonders again

"They don't like me either." Flynn replies again.

The white stallion appeared. Its neighs angrily.

"Who's that?!" Varian shouts.

Flynn and Varian stared at each other.

Flynn was annoyed. "Let's just assume that everyone in here doesn't like me!" He exclaimed.

The Captain of the Guard draws his sword. He was prepared. "I have waited a long time for this." The Captain of the Guard said.

Varian surveys a way to get out of the predicament. He detects the big stones across the river. Varian grinned. "Eureka." He whispers.

Varian faced Flynn. He was pleading. "We have to cross the other side of the river." He added. Varian points him out. "There's stepping stones right to it." He aforesaid.

Flynn was determined. "You go, kid!" He added, exclaiming. "I'll stall them." Flynn said.

Varian shook his head. "Not without you!" He exclaims.

Flynn looks at Varian. He pities him. Flynn took a deep breath. He made up his mind. "Okay. You go." He added. Flynn understands. "I'll follow you!" He exclaimed.

Varian smiles. He nodded his head at him. Varian leaps over to the big stepping stones.

Flynn mimics his movement.

They are close to the other side of the river.

The Stabbington brothers beat them to it.

Varian was stunned. He was frozen still.

Flynn recognized. He holds the kid.

Varian and Flynn got caught in the middle of a deep river.

The one ruffian with an eyepatch grins evilly.

The one ruffian without an eye-patch was wicked. "Give us the satchel, boy." He added. "And you won't get hurt." One of the Stabbington brothers said.

Varian grips the brown bag. He was scared.

Flynn frowns at them. He was defending the kid. "Leave him out of this!" Flynn hollers.

The Stabbinton brothers brought out their swords.

"You have a score to settle with us, Rider." The one ruffian without an eye-patch uttered.

Flynn was aggravated. "We're gonna have to jump." He suggested.

Varian was astonished. "What?!" He shouted.

"Trust me now, kid. I know it's bad for a moment." Flynn insisted.

Varian was afraid of something more than ruffians. "Flynn, about that?" He inquired.

Flynn shook his head. "Never mind about your what ifs right now! Just jump!" He shouts.

Varian held his breath.

Flynn takes a hop to the river.

Varian hopped with the thief.


Flynn and Varian are gone.

The Stabbington brothers are stumped.

"RIDER!" The one ruffian without an eye-patch yelled.

The Captain of the Guard gestures to his men. "Arrest them!" He demanded them.

The soldiers chases after the Stabbington brothers.

The two scoundrels fled.

The Coronan guards hurries after them.

The Captain of the Guard looks at the white horse. He was furious. "Maximus, go after Rider!" The Captain of the Guard commanded it.

The white horse neighs in acknowledgement.

Maxmius runs and trails forth to the murmuring river.

Next part soon!

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