Chapter 5 - Back to the River

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Note: Sorry for the writer's block, fellas! Enjoy reading!

The next morning arrives.

Eugene was arguing with the white horse. "Max, there's no way that I'm diving in THAT river again." He complained.

Varian glances at Eugene and Maximus perplexingly.

The white horse neighs in frustration.

Eugene growls. He gestured at the streaming water. Eugene was not thrilled. "Do you have any idea how deep that river is?" He wonders.

Varian ruffles his own head. His right hand touches his eyewear. He was surprised. Varian takes it off of his head. He grins at his eyewear. Varian figures a solution to the deep river dilemma.

Eugene still aggravates at Maximus. "You gotta be really dumb enough to swim down to the river floor." He added. "It's the bottomless pit! With water for Pete sake!" Eugene exclaimed.

Varian offers him his eyewear. He was cheerful. "Eugene, take my goggles." Varian insisted.

Eugene takes it from him. He was bemused. "Okay, that works for my eye irritation in water problem." Eugene added. He was exasperated. "But what about the breathing underwater part?!" Eugene inquires.

Varian ponders. "Maybe I can build a tube that can help you breathe underwater." He added. Varian was concerned. "It would have work if the river isn't deeper than eight feet at least." He believed.

Eugene was puzzled. "So how deep is that river I saved your life from drowning yesterday?" He asked.

Varian was awkward. "Umm..." He added. "More than eighty feet by depth-wise...?" Varian answered.

Eugene was astonished. Then, he was mad. "I am NOT getting the crown back like this! I can't hold my breath longer than two minutes!" Eugene exclaims. He crisscrosses his arms. Eugene wants nothing to do about it.

Varian was confused. "Maximus told me you held your breath longer than that." He said.

The white horse nodded his head thrice times.

Eugene was annoyed. "That's because I have experienced with fast breaststrokes." He added, gesturing. "I am NOT risking my lungs again over the crown in the river." Eugene said.

Maximus snorts angrily.

Varian was unanticipated about Eugene. Then, he raises his eyebrow at him. "Okay...If the lost princess did return to Corona...Found a way back to her actual home I mean...And then, THAT person realizes her crown has been stolen..." Varian added. He frowned at him. "How is SHE gonna think when THAT princess finds out about you?" Varian wondered.

Eugene smirked. "You're talking about Flynn Rider, not Eugene Fitzherbert." He replied.

Varian sassed him. His left hand gestures. "You are kinda looked like one. You got various wanted posters all over the woods to prove it." He said.

Eugene gave Varian the unamused glare. "You're unpredictable, kid." He commented.

The white horse chuckles at Eugene.

Eugene groans at Varian and Maximus. He was bothered. "Fine! I'll retrieve the crown!" Eugene exclaimed.

Varian was psyched. "Yes!" He exclaims.

The white horse neighs happily.

Varian gives Eugene some long sturdy rope. "Tug this, just in case." He added. Eugene got it. He ties the rope around his waist. Varian was resolute. "Maximus and I will pull you up." He uttered.

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