Chapter 6 - The Tower

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Eugene, Varian and Maximus discovers the tower in a hidden area.

Eugene walked forth. He was astonished. "I was there yesterday." Eugene added. "I made a slip for the crazy guard lady. Man, I was not witnessed such the tower before." He mentioned.

Varian was bewildered. "Who's the crazy guard lady you told me yesterday?" He wondered.

Eugene glanced at him. "Her name was Cassandra. She was raised in the castle with her father." He added. Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was irritated. "The Captain of the Guard of Corona." Eugene replied.

Varian raises his eyebrow at him. He was confused. "Cassandra's the royal guard?" Varian asked.

Eugene huffed and rolls his eyes. "She used to be the lady-in-waiting." He added. "Cassandra was...well that kind of crazy guard lady..." Eugene complained.

Varian made a slight smile. He was interested. "She sounds so cool." Varian comments.

Eugene shook his head. He glimpses up at the tower. Eugene was surveying it. He found the way in. Eugene was curious. "I see a window at the topmost tower." He said.

Varian followed his observation. He was perplexed. "Perhaps I can try to find a door." Varian suggested.

Eugene nodded his head twice. "Okay, you do that." He agreed.

Varian scurries to the tower. He circles around to decipher the door.

Eugene ran forward.

The white horse follows them to the place. Maximus looks up puzzlingly.

Varian goes to one stonewall column to another. He was squinting his eyes. Varian was ambitious. "Come on...There's gonna be a door around here..." He added, whispering. "How could someone get in the tower without a door?" Varian asks quietly himself.

Eugene puts his hands together to his mouth. He was confident. "Hello?!" Eugene added, hollering. No one answers. He tried again. "HELLO?! Is anyone home?!" Eugene called.

Varian went examining and examining the stonewall columns. He detected something. Varian was surprised. He dashes to one stonewall column. "There's an opening right between the rocks..." Varian gasped. He stares at Eugene. Varian was sudden. "Eugene!" He added, calling. Eugene stared back at Varian. He was alerted. Varian urges him. "Eugene! I found the door! It's been covered by stones!" Varian shouted.

Eugene hurries to him.

The white horse sees Varian shouting. Maximus gallops to them.

Eugene was bemused. "Where is it, Varian?" He asked.

Varian gestures him out. "At above the six rocks...thru the hole...I can see the door..." He believed.

Eugene looked closer. He was astounded. "Varian, I see it! And do believe it!" Eugene exclaims.

Varian sighed. He was alarmed. "We gotta remove the stones..." Varian declared.

Eugene was contented. "I was thinking the same thing, kid." He utters.

Eugene and Varian carefully takes the rocks out of the wall. They are doing it slowly and one boulder at a time. It really took only minutes for them.

After they cleared the stones out of one column wall, they have found another way in.

A dark brown door of the tower.

Eugene and Varian panted for lifting the rocks.

Eugene was cheerful. "Well what do you know, Varian. There was a door after all." Eugene said.

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