Chapter 7 - Whacked

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Maximus makes a face at Eugene.

He was pathetic. Eugene sighed. He glimpsed at the white horse. "Max, I have no idea..." Eugene said.

The white horse snorts at him.

He took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll go talk to Varian..." Eugene declared. He was walking up the steps of the staircase. Eugene peeks thru the dark burgundy curtains. He was perplexed. "Varian?" Eugene wonders. He detected him.

Varian stops crying. He was laying on the big purplish canopy bed. Varian was on the his left side of the mattress. He was glum.

Eugene was condolence. He steps forward to the big bed slowly. Eugene lays down on his back. He was staring at the canopy above him. "Varian, I'm sorry for what I said earlier...I'll take everything back about you...I was just worried..." Eugene added. Varian considers for what Eugene spoke. He sighs. Eugene pities the kid. "Rapunzel's with the crazy guard lady now...I'm sure Cassandra would do a great job at protecting her..Plus, if I did sneak into the tower, Rapunzel would hit me in the head with something hard...I'm so sorry, Varian...And if I did go to the tower instead of the tree, I would have get caught from Cassandra..." Eugene stated.

Varian didn't say anything.

Eugene was bothered. "Okay..." He said.

Eugene left the bedroom for a moment. Then, he came back. Eugene was carrying something out of the kitchen. He was resolute. "Here, kid." Eugene said.

Varian rotates his body over to the right. He was surprised for a bit. "What do you want me to do with a frying pan?" Varian wondered.

Eugene puts the kitchen appliance down on the mattress. He sat on the bed. "I wanted you to whack my head with it." Eugene replied.

Varian has his eyes widened. "Are you crazy?!" He added, exclaiming. Varian was stern. "I'm not gonna hit your head with a frying pan!" He complained in exclamation.

Eugene shrugs. "Varian, you are right. I'm an idiot." He acknowledged.

Varian shook his head. "I am not going to do it." He protested.

"Kid, I didn't climb on the tower. I would not believe there was a lost princess here either." Eugene stated.

Varian raises his eyebrow at him. "Who didn't climb on the tower? Flynn Rider or Eugene Fitzherbert?" He asked.

Eugene was being silly of himself. "Flynn Rider would have. But not Eugene Fitzherbert." He added, answering. Eugene gestures. "I have lived my whole life. MY whole life to pretend to be someone I'm not. Varian, you had better take your best shot at me. With THAT frying pan. Or else I am really gonna go hysterical about loving no one except myself." Eugene insisted.

Varian furrows his eyebrows. "Alright, now you're just being bizarre..." He added. Varian grabbed the black frying pan. He held it like he's going to hit someone. "Just drop what you're doing and forget about our stupid argument, Eugene." Varian told him.

Eugene have his left hand to his ear. He was playing jokes. "I'm sorry, what do you say, kid?" Eugene added, inquiring. "Your chemistry done something to my ears. I couldn't hear A WORD you're saying." He teased.

Varian growled. He was maddened. Varian tightens his teeth. "EUGENE...?" He warned with his mouth shut.

Eugene did not stop. He was looking away from Varian. "That was good, kid. You're gonna need to get everything off of your chest. I know I have. Heck, I have done more than stealing crowns. I stole the Baron's stallion. I stole a lot of gold and jewelry. Ah, and I do have a thing with brun-" Eugene got interrupted.


Eugene made a goofy face. He collapsed forward to the floor.

Varian was disbelieved. He perturbs. "Oh, great! I knocked Eugene out with a frying pan!" Varian exclaimed. He facepalmed himself from his left hand. Varian groans.

And then, Maximus neighed from out of the bedroom. The white horses hears sudden footsteps. Maximus was puzzled.

The alchemist hurries to the white horse. Varian was alarmed. "Maximus, Eugene's out cold!" Varian exclaims.

The white horse was bemused. Maximus detects something from him. Varian recognized that he's still holding a black frying pan. Varian shrugged. He was awkward. "I can explain." Varian believed.

Next part soon!

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