Chapter 3 - Varian Drowns/Rescued by the Thief

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Note: The drowning and CPR scene. It's a Kiss of Life, not an actual kiss. Thank you and enjoy.

Back in the streaming river, Flynn and Varian appears on the water.

They are ten feet away from each other.

Flynn looks out from behind himself. He was grinning. Flynn was contented. "I knew they won't get us this way." He added. "It works like a charm, kid." Flynn uttered. He starts witnessing Varian desperately trying not to descend.

Flynn was shocked. "Kid?!" He exclaims.

Varian kept his eyes open. His left arm keeps splashing on the surface. He makes effort to float yet failed. Varian's head was dropping in the water gradually. He was alarmed. Varian breathes heavily. "Help..." He added. His mouth went downward in the water. Varian tries to stay up. He spits water out of his lips. "Help...Flynn..." Varian gasped. His mouth submerges.

Flynn was panic-stricken. "KID!" He screamed. Flynn swims after him.

Varian was attempting to get back up again. He splashes himself harder. Varian squirts water out of his mouth. He gasps into the water again. Varian got his eyes widened. His nose went down in the water. He was causing to let out his small air bubbles.

Flynn realized what's happening to Varian. He was terrified. "Oh no, Varian's drowning..." Flynn said. He swam faster to him. Flynn pants. He can't stop for anything now.

Varian tries to stay on the surface. His head couldn't ascend from the water. He makes his last splash. Varian wouldn't let the river take him. He was forced to let his lips open. Varian suffocates in the water. His eyelids are slowly closing. He was passed out. Varian sunk under the river. His little air bubbles appeared on the surface. It keeps coming every five seconds.

Flynn fears for him. He was worried. Flynn was almost there to Varian. "Kid, hold on!" He cried out loud. Flynn continues swimming after him.

Varian was knocked out cold. His right hand releases the brown satchel. It was drifting away faster. His mouth was left opened. His air bubbles pops out of his lips instantly. He was going downward at his slow speed.

Flynn was resolute. "Hold on, Varian." He whispered. Flynn holds his breath. He dives below to go after the kid.

Varian was being dropped slowly in underwater.

Flynn swims down under with his breaststrokes. He kept his mouth shut for awhile. Flynn outstretches his left hand towards Varian. He grabbed his left hand. Flynn moves Varian upwards. Flynn hold onto Varian on his waist. Flynn was fearful. Will Varian ever breathe again after drowning once? What if he doesn't wake up? Flynn shook his head. He knocks out his fears. Flynn grasped on Out-Cold-Varian. Flynn swims back up to the surface with his breaststrokes. He swam and swam higher.

Flynn made it to the surface. He coughs a few times for air. Flynn was bothered. "Man, this river IS deep down there." He commented. Flynn glances at Varian. The poor kid was unconscious. Flynn was really afraid. He went swimming steady with him for land. Flynn was reaching to the river bank.

He hears the horse's neigh from the forest.

Flynn touches the river bank.

Suddenly, the white frowning horse arrives from the bushes.

He rolls his eyes. Flynn was annoyed. "Oh come on." He mutters.

Maximus steps forth cautiously at the thief.

Flynn stared at the white horse.

The white horse was mad at him.

Maximus huffs at the thief.

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