Chapter 12 - The Hidden Underground Tunnel/Quirin

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Note: LONG PART! This scene is based off one of the Tangled series episodes, 'A Tale of Two Sisters'. And a tearjerker scene too. You'll see why. The italic font means flashback. Thank you, everyone!

Eugene and Varian searched the woman's bedroom.

There wasn't the lost princess's crown anywhere. Not under the bed. Not in the nightstands. Not in the wardrobe. Nothing.

Eugene was firm. "Oh come on! I can't believe it!" He exclaimed.

Varian was melancholy.

Eugene was annoyed. "I was so sure that the crown was around here." He said.

Varian looked down. Then after a few seconds, he blinked his eyes twice. Varian recognizes shockingly. He dragged Eugene's left arm a couple times. Varian was alarmed. "Eugene, Eugene..." He summoned.

Eugene faced Varian. He was perplexed. "Varian? Varian, what's the matter?" Eugene wondered.

Varian was anxious. "I have finally get why she set up her ghost in the hallway." He replied.

Eugene raises his eyebrow at him. "Perhaps that wicked woman was keeping people out of her home." He guesses.

Varian shrugged. "Well this and something else..." he added. Varian was unease. "Eugene...I think she's shielding a secret behind the wall..." He believes.

Eugene was disbelieved. "You thought there was a hidden passage behind the lookalike selfish lady?!" He exclaims.

Varian efforts to convince him. "It might be where the crown is!" He exclaimed.

Eugene took a deep breath. He was unanticipated. "Okay...Let's go back to THAT hallway again..." Eugene declares.

They returned to the hallway where the scary replica ghost woman is.

Varian takes his time to find the secret opening.

Eugene was confused. "Varian, how can you tell me what a hidden passage looks like?" He added, asking. "It's nothing yet an empty hallway." Eugene stated.

Varian was resolute. "Every secret entryway has an object to be part of the way in." He added, mentioning. "It could be anything...Something like a bust or a candle..." Varian said.

Eugene surveyed the deserted hallway. He detects the odd thing.

There was a crooked unused candle on the wall. The sconce was leaning forward.

Eugene was bemused. He drags Varian to it. "Look at this, kid. The candlestick holder on the wall was broken." Eugene aforesaid.

Varian watched Eugene. He blinks his eyes twice.

Eugene has a smug face. "Let me see if I can fix this." He whispers. Eugene tries to push the wall lighting backwards.

Varian hears the movement from the wall. He was fearful. Varian clasps Eugene's right arm. He was panting. "Eugene." Varian gasped.

Eugene glances at Varian. Then, Eugene glanced at the wall bewilderingly.

It was moving upwards gradually.

Varian was wide-eyed.

Eugene raised his eyebrow. "So there WAS a hidden passage...Who knew..." He believed in his shrug.

Varian takes deep breaths. He was solemn. "Let's hope the crown's in there this time." Varian decided.

Eugene smiles. He was confident. "I could have say it better myself." Eugene mentioned.

Varian and Eugene entered the secret passageway cautiously.

They are walking down the stone steps.

The hidden passage shut itself downwards.

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