Chapter 4 - The Camping Spot

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It was nightfall in the forest.

Flynn sat on the big tree stump. He was solemn. Flynn sees the white horse. "Maximus, I can't thank you enough for your help." He added. The white horse was glad too. Then, Maximus frowns at him. Flynn looks sullen. "Look, I'll admit that I stole the crown from the Kingdom of Corona. If I still have it, I would have come to my senses to return it where the crown belongs. Unfortunately, I don't." He argued. Flynn crisscrosses his arms. He was frowning.

The white horse tilts his horse. Maximus was bemused.

Flynn sighs. He was pitiful. "Varian had it last. The kid I meet today." Flynn mentions. He glimpsed at the bonfire. It was burning brightly. Then, Flynn was looking at sleeping Varian. The alchemist was near the bonfire.

The white horse makes a quiet neigh. Maximus was puzzled.

Flynn glanced at the white horse. "Long story short...I met him at his house...I was booby-trapped by his sticky...purple blob thing-y...Our deal is to go to the tower...Varian believes there's the lost princess hidden in the tower...He nabbed my satchel before he freed me from his trap...Varian and I tried to cross the river...Trouble got in our way..." Flynn said.

Maximus was unhappy.

Flynn took a deep breath. "We are in a tough situation...I suggested the idea to jump in the river..." He added. Flynn was depressed. "I don't know what happened after that...I have not ever seen anyone getting into real peril...I was really afraid..." He utters.

Flynn and the white horse looks at Varian.

The slumbering alchemist makes his slight movements. Varian efforts to open his eyes. "Mmm." He mumbled.

Maximus was delighted.

Flynn was thankful. "Oh, man...Varian..." He added. Flynn dashes to him. "He's waking up..." Flynn mentioned.

Varian flickers his eyelids. He was bewildered.

Flynn smiles at him. He was happy yet fearful. "Varian, are you okay?" Flynn whispered.

Varian opened his eyes all the way up. He was dumbfounded. "Flynn..." Varian added. He was blinking his eyes twice. "You saved my life..." Varian realized.

Flynn rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I did." He confessed.

Varian was blowing his mind. "I was drowning in the river and..." He added. Varian was unanticipated. "You picked me up over your satchel..." He gasped.

Flynn took a deep breath. He was dreadful. Flynn takes him in his arms. His left hand holds Varian's back-head. Flynn looked in his eyes. "Varian, I was scared to death of you." He added. Varian stares back at him. He was astonished. Flynn was unease. "I'm sorry that you can't swim. And I thought I was going to lose you. I couldn't let you sink in the water, kid." He mentions.

Varian has no idea. He was doing something unexpected. Varian became heartbroken. He concealed his face on Flynn's chest. Varian was sobbing. Flynn took notice. He comforts him. "Hey, hey, hey." Flynn added. He was talking softly. Flynn embraces him. "You have nothing to be ashamed of something you can't do. Things will get better, you'll see. I will teach you my breaststroke in the water sometime." He reassured him.

Varian was melancholy. "This isn't it." He added, muffling in his chest. Varian rotates his head to his left. He has tears streaming on his face. "I lost your satchel because I can't float in the water...I'm so sorry, Flynn..." Varian sobs.

The white horse was sorrowful.

Flynn considers himself for a moment. He was confident. Flynn reveals himself to him. "Eugene." He commented.

Varian was confused. He glances at him. "Wha?" Varian wonders.

Eugene sighs. "My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Someone might as well know." He replied.

Maximus was tilting his head. The white horse was curious.

Varian was sudden. "So you used the character's name out of the adventure books?" He inquired.

Eugene smiles at him. "It seems like the only option I have to make a living." He added. Eugene rolled his eyes. "Pitifully, I was really coming from the orphanage." He stated.

Varian feels awful for him. "I am really sorry for what you're going thru." He apologized.

Eugene shook his head. "Forget about my past." He added. Eugene was affectionate. "And forget my satchel, Varian...For what I see in you...I think you're a pretty smart kid...You and me are going to be Team Awesome someday...Take one day at a time..." Eugene aforementioned.

Varian was astounded at first. Then, he was cheerful. Varian hugs him. Eugene hugged him back.

Varian was serenaded. His heart was healed. "Thank you for rescuing me, Eugene." He whispers.

Eugene was as happy as a clam. "You're welcome, Varian." He said softly.

Maximus neighs at Eugene loudly. The white horse snorts.

Eugene and Varian stared at Maximus. Eugene glowers. "Okay, will you let it go?!" He added, exclaiming. "Our lives are too valuable than the crown, you know!" Eugene hollers.

The white horse was not satisfied. Maximus neighs in his vent. The white horse was having a fit.

Varian was perplexed. "What's wrong with that horse, Eugene?" He asked.

Eugene growls. "Oh, Maximus was mad because the crown was gone in the river. And he's aware that SOMEONE will find it." Eugene bickered.

Varian raises his eyebrow. "Maximus?" He wonders.

Eugene took a deep breath. He was annoyed. "The angry white horse who's working for Corona." Eugene replies.

Maximus snorted.

Varian was mystified with his drowsy eyes. "Eugene, could we figure out what to do tomorrow morning?" He added, wondering. Varian yawns. "Today's a total off-day for me. This is really my first time that ever happened." He believes.

Eugene chuckles. He was tired himself too. "Okay, we'll hit the haystack. We have gotta discuss about our problems first thing in the morning." Eugene declared.

The white horse goes to Varian and Eugene. Maximus was laying down beside them. Eugene and Varian cuddled together. They are beaming at each other.

And finally, the white horse, the thief and the alchemist went asleep by the bonfire.

Next part soon!

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