Chapter 1 : First days

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"Welcome to Hogwarts y/n" Mcgonagall introduces me.

I was inside a castle transferring from Beauxbatons, a different wizardry school. She had given me a tour of hogwarts. It was huge.

Also sort of empty since she said most of the students were off at hogsmeade. There was tons of ghosts and I'd even got a taste of the food which was completely delicious.

Mcgonagall also told me I'd get a 'special roommate' and I got some of my classes with her.

Although she wasn't providing me much information on her when I tried questioning further. I didn't wanna be annoying so I didn't try to pry her mouth open.

"I hope you do enjoy your stay, and I'm glad you were sorted into Gryffindor. This is your room, if you need help you can always find your prefect or me" Mcgonagall explains with a smile.

"Also I'm sorry for the mess I told your roommate to clean before you came and to be completely honest it was worse before" she said before leaving, I just laugh along but a messy roommate was not ideal.

My room was separated from everyone else's. I guess that's what happens when you enter your 4th year of Hogwarts.

As I was unpacking my things id noticed that my roommate owned some...interesting things.

She seemed pretty cool, she had leather jackets, tons of small pranks, a lot of un done homework. They're was some questionable things like a lot of hair products, cigarettes, and I noticed all her uniforms were pants not skirts.

I didn't wanna invade her privacy or anything though.

I decided to change into the Hogwarts uniform to 'fit in' more during dinner. Id brought a ton of clothes and I didn't really anticipate how much I wouldn't be able to wear because of the dress code.

I was taking my shirt off, when the door opened. I quickly turn thinking it was locked.

It was this this guy, he was extremely cute but obviously I wasn't so set on that thought since I was half naked.

"AHHH" We both scream before he covers his eyes "damn your hot" he says "GET OUT" I say panic in my voice. He runs to the bathroom.

I quickly change the rest of my outfit, then open the bathroom door. He was standing there his hand still on his eyes. I pull it off "What are you doing here?" I say

"I could ask the same for you!" He shoots back.

"What do you mean this is my room?" I question him "No this is my room and it has been, Mcgonagall said I was getting a new roommate but she never mentioned it being a chick"

"Well excuse me she never said I was being put with a boy either" I huff.

"I'm sure it's a mistake, girls and boys can't even room together, we can go bring it up with her" he grabs my tie pulling me out the room.

"Oh I can walk myself" I shove his hand off.

We both walk to Mcgonagalls office "I never got your name" the boy says looking me up and down.

"Y/n l/n" I answer "you?"

"Sirius Black" He says a bit too proudly.

We reach Mcgonagalls and Sirius loudly knocks on her door "oh what is it?" Mcgonagall looks at the both of us.

"Why hello?" She sweetly smiles like there is no problem"I think there's been a mistake, boys and girls can't room together and you've-"

"Listen, we're running short on space" Mcgonagall starts.

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