Chapter 6 : Photo Booth

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"You're going to absolutely love it y/n" Lily rambled as she spoke to me about Hogsmeade. "They have so many cool shops that we ought to visit, it'll be so lovely"

"I'm sure it will be" I smile kindly, I was super excited for the Hogsmeade weekend. I was originally planning to go with the boys since they'd invited me to give a tour but getting caught up in their acts of mischief they'd landed a detention the same day.

Although there was no worry since lily had heard and invited me to go along with her.

"Is there any shop your particularly interested in?" Lily asks making sure we go to every place that I want too.

"Hmm" I thought for a moment "Remus had told me that Honeydukes was the best so maybe there"

Lily nods her head, "Remus is quite shy is there anything happing between the two of you? It took a whole year for him to warm up to everyone else" She explains.

"oh god no" I reply laughing, it's not that Remus wasn't nice and attractive because he definitely was but he never hit me as the type to be interested in girls like how Sirius and james acted.

Me and Lily explored the bits of hogsmeade it was really nice hanging out with her. She saw her friend Severus and invited him to stay with her which sort of killed the mood but I didn't wanna be rude.

I sipped on my delicious butter beer as Lily talked and Severus lovingly listened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar boy standing out the window watching me?

"Excuse me for a sec" I left the pair walking out of the 3 broomsticks.

"James what're you doing here? I thought you had detention!" I say as his eyes kept shifting towards me and where I was originally sitting.

I knew he was watching Lily.

"You know I have my ways l/n" He half smirks then pauses "What were you doing with them."

Asking that question finally allowed him to completely turn towards the duo and not give half attention to me.

"I was spending the day with Lily, he just tagged along" I explain.

James nods his head understanding then like usual his mood takes a turn and he became really cheery.

"Well let me take you on a real hogsmeade adventure!" He offers his hand out "Shall we?"

I giggle from the way James was acting but nonetheless took his hand.

He showed me small details that Lily missed and if i'm being honest I had a lot more fun being here with James then i've ever had before.

"What's that?" I point at a small shop.

"Oh you're going to love it" He drags me over there inserting a galleon before pushing me into the place.

It was a photo booth and it was really cramped Making him put his arm around me.

For the first 3 pictures James and I varied faces and poses to match it was really funny and the last one was coming up.

"Hurry what should we do?" I question panicking at the 3 second timer.

"I got this" James smirks, pulling my face by chin kissing my cheek right as the timer goes off.

"James!" I say blushing extremely hard.

"Hah! look at you" He points to the last photo as it printed where I was completely surprised.

"Shut up, let's get out of here" I roll my eyes starting to stand.

He pulls my waist down gently, "or we could stay"

"James what do you mean?" I nervously laugh as he stared into my eyes. Oh my God.

His eyes flickered down to my lips and back up.  Are we about to?-

"Nah,'re right let's go" He says his eyes still locked in mine.

He slides out of the booth and so do I. "Here you get your own copy, pretty" He hands me my own set of the photos we took.

I mumble a thanks feeling kind of weird from what happened and I could tell he did too because when usually he'd joke and laugh at everything he was just a bit quieter and his eyes kept going back to me.


It was super late at night and I had my wand lit up under my covers watching the photo booth pictures. They moved since everything is just that magical.

"Boo!" Sirius lifted my covers.

"SIRIUS!" I make the light stop and hide the photo before Sirius could see.

"I know your hiding something l/n" Sirius says although I couldn't see him very well I was scared "You're usually out cold by now."

I felt his weight at the end of my bed meaning he was probably sitting down on it.

"sorry i'll go to sleep now" I close my eyes tightly hoping he'd leave me alone.

"y/nnn why not tell me what's up" He groans placing his hands on my legs.

I felt sort of nervous but completely ignored it pretending to be falling asleep.

"Alright then" The weight leaves my bed and I hear him creak back to his own bed. "Goodnight y/n"


SHORT CHAPTER HOW WE FEEL? Sorry it's hard to update bc school.

Also if there is any grammar/ spelling mistakes PLS COMMENT. I'm trying to improve!!

Have a great night

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