Chapter 9: The stars

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I was walking around for a while in my heels. It was getting really late but I wasn't going to give up my search. My feet were getting to sore though so I sat down and carefully took them off.

The relieving feeling from not having to wear heels was honestly my favorite thing ever.

I sit down for a moment before seeing him. There he was sitting underneath a tree... with a book?

I slowly walk over to him trying not to be to loud and scare him. It was very late which also meant it was dark. I honestly could barely see.

"Hello Sirius?" I call out his name and the boy turned around.

"Sirius?! The genes aren't that strong." The boy scoffs in disgust of even the thought of being related to Sirius.

I take a few steps closer my eyes starting to adjust to the lighting. I see a boy who had similar features to Sirius but his hair was more curly and his eyes were a greenish blue.

"You're Sirius's brother, Reggie! He had talked a bit about you." I tell him as he set down his book.

"First of all, It's regulus and second, who are you?" Regulus looked me up and down, "And why are you dressed for a party?"

"I'm Y/n L/n, Sirius's roommate." I inform him as he makes a confused face, "I'm dressed this way because I ditched the quidditch banquet."

"How are you both roommates?" Regulus looks me up and down one more time, "You are definitely a girl."

I hit him realizing what he was getting at, "I'll have you know I did not choose to room with your brother. Trust me if I could have a normal dorm I would."

"Tough luck." Regulus picks his book again and starts reading, I watch him closely. "How do you read in the darkness of the night?"

"It's not dark." Regulus points up towards the sky, "The stars, they make things bright."

I look up above me. The stars were really pretty. Pretty stars. Pretty. Stars. Sirius.

"Do you know where I could find Sirius?" I jump up off of the ground. Regulus again looks up from his book and pauses to think, "You could try the astronomy tower."

"Thank you... Reggie!" I shout as I made my own way.

"REGULUS" He corrected me while yelling furiously.

I had made my way to the astronomy tower. I had have to have walked a million miles at this point. I wanted to collapse.

I made my way up the stairs then finally reached the top. I slowly opened the door and took a look around the room.

No Sirius... he wasn't here. Now I had no clue on where to go next. I had lost all hope. Eventually i'd seen him but I guess i'll have to hold off the talk.

I disappointingly walk back to my shared room with Sirius. I walk in immediately throwing my heels on the floor and flopping onto my bed.

"Where have you been?"

I quickly get up in response to the sudden voice in my room. "Sirius your here.."

"It's my room too." He mumbles softly.

"I wanted to talk to you. About all of what happened tonight." I was about to start my apology but he interrupted me.

"y/n It's okay, you don't need to apologize." Sirius takes a deep breathe, "You didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have been so butthurt that you choose to go with James anyway."

"Sirius it was still rude of me to cancel last minute. So I am still sorry." I didn't want him to think I didn't feel bad about all the trouble.

He just walked over to my bed which I was standing near. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. It felt strange at first but I immediately melted into it.

I could tell he had been smoking. I could smell it off of him. I'm sure it was remus's influence. James was always nagging them about it.

"Let's not fight anymore." I say softly looking up at him, now slightly pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah it was getting annoying having to avoid you." Sirius admits.

"Ooo you missed me didn't you?" I tease him.

"And what if I did?" He smirks at me pulling me back in but our faces could only be so far in a position like this.

"I'd hex you into a frog!" I immediately blurt out getting way to nervous.

"WHAT?! why a frog." Sirius asks gasping dramatically.

"I don't know. I like frogs."



"The greatest duo is back!" Peter announces as Sirius and I made our way to the breakfast table.

"Hottest duo too." Sirius wraps his arm around my shoulder, which I remove.

"You aren't remotely close to hot." I joke with him. He, in reality, was extremely hot though.

Sirius rolled his eyes and sits in his seat immediately grabbing for some toast.

I sit down beside him. In front of me was James. I don't know if it was weird between us or not. I just decided to avoid eye contact.

I feel a small kick under the table though. I look up to James, being forced to interact with him now.

"You can't avoid stuff." James laughs slightly.

"Stuff?! What stuff?" Sirius pauses his conversation with Remus now invested with what James and I were discussing.

"Did you two kiss or something?" Remus asks.

Everyone looked over at James who sat with a smug smile plastered across his face.

"No!" Me and Sirius both yelled at the same time. I look to Sirius making a confused face at him on why he also said no, as did everyone else at our table.

"They didn't..." He slouches his shoulders and takes another big bite of toast.

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