Chapter 2 : rocky beginning

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"Let me see" Sirius grabs my schedule, "mmm we have 4 classes together , you also have James in a 2 different ones and one with remus, we also have a class as a group."

"Nice" James exclaims

"I wish we had a class together besides the group one" Peter frowns, "it's ok Peter I'm sure we can still hang out" I laugh.

Remus and I hadn't talked much, "What class do I have with you?" I ask him trying to start a conversation.

"Uh care for magical creatures, I guess we both missed that class last year" He says biting into his toast. I just nod my head.

"We have transfigurations.. and divinations!" James says practically jumping with joy, "these lads wouldn't take it with me so it's nice to have a familiar face"

"Yeah that's awesome" I smile at him feeling my face heat up just a tad.

"What shall we do with you James, getting all the girls" Sirius smirks at us both.

"Knock it off" we both say in unison, "oh look they even speak the same" Sirius rolls his eyes.

"C'mon y/n" Sirius says standing "we've gotta talk, alone", he grabs my hand pulling me away from the boys. Now from Sirius holding my hand I bet I was a whole tomato.

"What do you need?" I ask Sirius wondering why he needed to talk to me. "Listen, James is an amazing lad but he's got his eyes for lily and lily only. I don't want you getting heartbroken chasing after him then crying while i'm getting my beauty sleep" he explains crossing his arms.

"Sirius I don't like James.. your the one making all the lovey jokes" I scoff kicking my feet against the ground lightly. "Don't be upset darling, im just warning you" He deviously smiles  "who knows though maybe you will win him over"

"I don't like him!" I say extremely flustered not because he was saying James could be won over by me but because he called me darling. I know it's silly but I couldn't help but admit how seriously attractive Sirius was.

"C'mon let's go back" Sirius slithers his hand around my waist which I was quick to remove walking us back to the table with the rest of the boys.

"How much you wanna bet they snogged?" James whispers to Remus, I throw a grape at his face "shut up"


"So how are you finding it here at hogwarts?" Remus asks me as we walk to care of magical creatures. "It's nice, I like how we get to choose our classes and stuff" I replied.

He just nods his head. Wow this was awkward.

"So are you excited to see some cool creatures?" I ask trying to further our conversation.

"Not really, I only took this class because it was a requirement. I tried to escape it last year." Remus explains "I think we'll be the only 4th years in this class."

"oh that sucks, what's so wrong with this class that you didn't do it last year?" I curiously ask.

He stares at me for a moment or two before simply shrugging.

Morning classes with remus seemed to not be going so well. I'm getting the impression that he isn't much of a talker and he's very cold. I only hope it isn't just me though.

"Well i'm glad you didn't take it last year so now we have this class together!" I point out.

"Don't try so hard y/n" Remus says catching me off guard.

"I was just trying to be friendly" I scoff from his rudeness.

"well stop" He walks faster catching up with the rest of the class.

Remus had seemed pretty friendly at first but this was weird. All his friends seem so nice i wonder why he acted like this.


I had potions with Sirius next we sat together in the back of the room.

"So how was your first class with remus?" He asks while looking over our syllabus.

I stayed quiet then decided to tell him, "well if i'm being honest remus was kinda... rude."

I didn't wanna offend him by saying one of his close friends was rude but I wanted to see if it was me or just his personality.

"Moony being rude?" Sirius makes a weird face.

Great it was just me.

"Wait what day is it?" Sirius adds on.

"1st of september"

Sirius was in deep thought trying to make some sort of calculation in his head then finally getting a look of realization.

"don't worry l/n it's not you, Rem gets moody during some parts of the month. He's just like you ladies."

I roll my eyes but feel a little relieved because remus doesn't personally hate me.

"Good to know" I take a deep breath still in thought of what remus had said.

Was I trying to hard with him? Maybe i'll just give him some space for now.

Professor slughorn was talking but I was getting bored listening. Sirius had been drawing on our table also seeming bored.

"y/n I drew you" Sirius says pointing to an awful looking stick figure on the desk it had heart eyes following a different stick dude.

"Who's this?" I point to the other stick figure.

"Me of course?! you can't tell?" Sirius questions squinting his eyes looking at the drawing in every different angle.

"No he's a lot more handsome" I joke.

Sirius hits me softly before erasing his drawing of himself saying that it's impossible to be more handsome than himself.

I laughed at his actions and so did he.

Honestly Sirius hasn't been bad like people have been saying. Sure he's a little cocky but with his looks how can you not be.

This year will be interesting.

Comment your thoughts!!! if y'all have any suggestions on what'd you'd like to see more of or anything please lmk!

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