Chapter 11: Hippogriff

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I watched as the boys devoured into the breakfast, "I swear you are all like a pack of wolves."

They all laugh but continue to eat aggressively. I grab a bagel and start spreading cream cheese onto it.

"I don't feel like going to school." Sirius says chewing on eggs.

"Want to skip?" James asks and Sirius just nods his head in response.

James and Sirius had been skipping a lot of their classes recently. They'd go off planning pranks and everything.

"Peter? Remus? Y/n?" James looks to me.

"No way" I mumble and James just rolls his eyes before staring down the others.

"I have a quiz, I can't miss it." Peter says sadly clearly wanting to get in on the adventures.

James glanced to Remus who only had to raise his eyebrows as an answer.

"You are all lame." Sirius groans, "And boring" James adds.

"Well you don't need lame boring people to eat breakfast with you." I stand up, "Wanna head to class Remus?"

"Gladly" Remus also stands still holding onto toast.

"NERDS" They yell and start laughing.

"They're incredibly foolish." Remus comments and I agree.

We walked outside to where care of magical creatures was, we were discussing our excitement in seeing a real hippogriff.

Our professor had made special arrangements so this could all happen.

As class started he went over some ground rules to just be kind to the creature and it will show you the same respect.

We walked into the forest, "Woah." The creature stood above us beautifully.

Everyone made a line to go to the Hippogriff and meet with it. Me and Remus were waiting towards the back letting all the third years go first.

I start kicking rocks around from the floor very bored waiting in the long line, "What're you doing?" Remus asks amused.

"Kicking rocks." I say, "I am trying to get them far out."

I kick one only moving about 4 feet. Remus swings his foot back hitting one of the rocks. It flew into the sky disappearing.

"Nice..." I let out.

Remus nervously laughs, "Beginners luck."

I just laugh along with him but that was soon interrupted by someone screaming.

We both quickly turn our heads. A huge black dog was standing next to a girl. It was causing the hippogriff to go wild.

Remus grabs my forearm, "It's okay, you're okay." It was like he could sense my panic.

"Okay?! There's a huge dog growling and a terrified hippogriff." I whisper yell.

Our professor was telling us to move away from both the animals and everyone complied.

Well everyone except for Remus, he started to walk towards the dog.

"Lupin! Do you have a death wish?" I shout loudly trying to get him to step back.

Remus had inaudibly spoke and the dog somehow seemed to understand. It ran away in another direction.

Remus turned around to the class everyone being shocked. Our professor cleared his throat and spoke, "Remus Lupin our savior!" He said and everyone started to cheer.

I did not though. Something was weird.

Our professor had to wrap up the lesson early because the hippogriff needed to calm down before doing anything more.

"What did you do to the dog?" I curiously question Remus as we walk back to Hogwarts.

He whispered a spell, a small treat appeared in his hand. "Dog treats! My pup loved these back home."

"I didn't see you throw anything though."

He dropped the treat kicking it like he did before. "Good thing you helped me practice."

I stayed silent as Remus smugly smiled. I knew he was not telling the truth and I am pretty sure he knew I knew. I just still don't understand why. Why would he lie?

We finally had reached the common room having a few minutes before our next class.

I go into my dorm wanting to take some time to change because I felt warm in my outfit.

I walk in and Sirius was there. "Hey" He greets me as I walk in.

"Hi" I say in a hurry of collecting my clothes. I pause to look at him, "You have a twig in your hair."

He moved his hand up to his hair pulling out the stick. He nervously laughed. "James! You know how he is."

"Ah yes. James the secret stick planter." I sarcastically say ignoring their weird dynamic.

Our door rushes open before Sirius could say anything else. Remus walked in along with James. He looked mad.

"Y/n could you give us a moment of privacy." Remus kindly says. I just comply not wanting to be rude.

I step out of the room but me being a little nosy I kept my ear against the door trying to listen to their discussion. I couldn't really hear anything though.

"Eavesdropping are we?" I turn around to see Peter standing puffed up.

"No no I wasn't I-" I try to save myself but I couldn't.

"It's okay I won't tell." Peter smiles as do I letting a breath of relief out.

I walk away from the door and chat with Peter. I was a little upset to not be able to listen in. I know it was wrong of me but I was so curious on what they were talking about.

One day I will find the Marauders secrets out.

i wonder what it was?!🌝 btw pls vote and comment i love to read themm

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