Chapter 3 : An apology

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I was laying in my bed when James came in.

"oh hey y/n, have you seen sirius around we're supposed to meet up?" He asks walking to me.

"Meet up? it's almost 11:30 and we have an early class tomorrow" I respond sitting up.

"Us marauders like to explore the night" James explains smirking as I nod my head, "but you haven't seen him?"

"No sorry I haven't... I can come help you look for him if you'd like" I set my book down.

"sure that'd be great" He smiles.

I was wearing shorts with a tank top because I was about to go to sleep but I don't know why I didn't think about grabbing a sweatshirt before leaving. Hogwarts is for the most part always cold.

Me and James searched the great hall, the library, and now we're walking around some corridors.

"Y/n you must be freezing here" He takes his jumper off handing it to me. "Thank you James" I smile before putting it on, it was huge.

It smelt so nice too a woodsy refreshing scent. I felt so happy wearing it. James didn't seem to think much off it as he was still looking around the corridors.

We turn the corner and see Sirius making out with a hufflepuff. "Oh nasty!" me and james yell at the same time turning the other way.

Sirius looks over to us, "oh didn't realize the time" He leaves the random girl and starts walking over to us.

The girl was saying something but sirius didn't reply.

"you're gross mate" James laughs as sirius comes to us.

"your lucky it was us and not filch" I point out thinking of that awkwardness. James and Sirius laugh at the thought of filch catching him.

"Well I guess i'll leave you both to your adventures" I start walking off "Oh James your jumper-" he cuts me off

"you can keep it for now, your gonna have to walk back and I don't need you watching a cold l/n" He explains.

Sirius nudges him laughing, while I feel my face heat up "thanks".

I walk back to my room kinda bored. I wonder what all the boys were doing and why I couldn't be invited in.

of course I wanted to go but i'd never say since I didn't wanna try hard like remus said I was doing.

I haven't spoken to him since but he's looked pretty moody from what i've seen.

After getting back to my room at like 12:00 I do my night routine before getting back into bed snuggling into james's sweatshirt slowly drifting.


A sudden noise wakes me, "AHH WHOS THERE!" I yell scared that some man was coming into my room.

"y/n y/n it's only me, sirius, shhhhh" He quickly walks to my bed.

I turn on my lamp now making up his figure, "Sirius Black it's 5:17am and you just woke me up. I'm gonna kill you!" I push him on my bed and straddle him grabbing my hairbrush as my so called murder weapon.

"y/n put the hairbrush away, im to tired to get killed" he yawns, pulling my waist down to lay on top of him.

"you're so comfy", he mumbles before I push him off my bed. "Sleep on your own bed"
I say completely flustered "and no more coming here at 5:17am"

I quickly bring my pillow over my head trying to sleep once more. I could hear sirius's shuffles to his bed.

Soon later I heard his soft snores, me on the other hand could not sleep again.

I check the clock and it was 6am i didn't have my first class until 8:00.

I decided to get up early to shower and finish reading a book I started a week or so ago. Sirius woke up a bit later starting to get ready as well.

"Aren't you very tired?" I ask referring to the fact that he went to bed like 2 hours ago.

"I am but must get up" He says with his eyes closed walking to the bathroom, "hair takes time"

I laugh at how much he loved his hair, "Do you want me to wait for you to go to breakfast?"

He nodded his head no "I'm taking breakfast to go since Remus is in the infirmary with a cold so i'm gonna be staying with him."

I nod my head and walk to breakfast. Lily and Marlene were already there so I sat with them. I told them about Sirius coming to my room late and they said it'd probably be usual.

Apparently the boys were known for doing mischievous things and no one really knows what they're up to except for themselves of course.

I didn't want to be awoken at 5 in the morning every day though so it'd have to be something i'd discuss with Sirius.

After I ate I decided to make my way to my first class. I thought Remus wouldn't be there since Sirius said he had a cold but he was waiting at a tree then started walking towards me when he spotted me.

I was kind of nervous after our interaction yesterday I didn't know what other things he'd say.

"Hey y/n" He greets me, he sounded a bit nervous but also very tired. I also noticed he had a small scratch on his neck that wasn't there yesterday.

"Hi Remus" Is all I said confused.

He started to walk towards our class and I just followed, we walked in silence. I thought that since we waited for me he'd have something to say but I guess I was wrong.

"Sirius told me you had a cold and was in the infirmary this morning. Are you feeling better?" I ask

"Uh yeah I got some medicine and felt well enough to come to class." He quickly responds.

I only nod my head in response.

"Y/n I also wanted to apologize for my actions yesterday. Sometimes I say or do things I don't mean at all, you seem like a lovely girl and I was super rude for no reason. I just can't control some things I say because" He paused "I don't know why but im sorry"

I felt relieved when he said his apology because it relived some tension between us.

"It's okay Lupin, let's be friends now yeah? no more drama" I offer which brings him to smile.

"Id love that"

we both laugh over what happened, "would you like a piece of chocolate?" He offers.

"wow remus lupin offering me chocolate!? i'm so honored" I take the whole bar and start running.

"ONE PIECE NOT ALL OF IT!" He yells trying to keep up.

I'm glad remus and I could now be friends and we're over that awkward patch.

i know there has been a lot of remus and james stuff going on but i promise there's gonna be a bunch of Sirius coming. This is kinda a slow burn so if you don't like that i'm sorry 🙏.

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