Chapter 5 : Quidditch

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"So the objective of quidditch is to score the most points, goals are worth 10 and catching the snitch is 150" Sirius explains "The game ends when the snitch is caught."

We sat on the empty quidditch field at 9:00 pm, it was dark and a bit cold but it was the time that worked for both of us.

"There's 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper and 1 seeker. Jamsie said your trying out to be a chaser which means your going to be using this ball, a quaffle, to toss it into the opposing teams goal post"

I nod my head examining the ball, "Your also going to be dodging bludgers but our beaters, me, will for the most part block them for you."

"What happens if I get hit with a bludger?" I worriedly ask.

"Uh just make sure it doesn't hit your pretty face " Sirius moves a strand of hair to behind my ear and I shoo away his hand "but don't worry that won't happen because i'm a beater and i'm the best"

"mhm im sure"

Sirius and I practiced some drills and since I already knew how to ride a broom it was easier. I had practice trying to get in the quaffle while he blocked. It was really hard but a few of them went through making me feel very accomplished.

"You're not bad y/n" Sirius compliments me as we get a drink of water.

"You're also quite amazing" I compliment back, "But i'm sure you've known that"

"Yeah but I like hearing you saying it" He smirks looking down on me.

"It's late, and I need to shower so i'll head out" I quickly babble walking away but sirius pulls my waist back.

"You know I have to shower too and our dorm only has one. Wanna save water?"

"Sirius!" I exclaim now fully walking away.

"I'm only joking!" Sirius yells laughing "unless.."

"No way Black!" I rejected the idea of him and I showering together.


For the past week sirius and I had been practicing a lot of quidditch. Try outs were in 2 days and I was incredibly nervous.

Sirius told me not to worry and that i'll be great we had one last practice together today.

"Okay let's do some bludger control because i'm pretty sure that was one of the drills you have to do during try outs" Sirius explains.

We toss the bludger all around the field angling it in all different types of directions.

I hear some bird to my right causing my head to turn "Y/N!" Sirius yells.

The bludger was coming towards me, I bring myself higher but it was a bit late and it hit the bottom of my leg.

"shit" I curse flying my broom down while my foot was in incredible pain. I couldn't stand when I reached the floor.

Sirius got the bludger back in its case making sure it couldn't do anymore damage. "Y/n are you alright?"

He touched my foot making it twitch from the pain. He slowly picked me up bridal style "Sirius what're you doing?"

"Carrying to you to the hospital wing. Thank god your easy to carry" Sirius mumbles as I held my arms around his neck.

Hogwarts was pretty empty considering the time. "You're such a pain you know? why didn't you just keep your eye on the ball" Sirius complains as we walk there or more like him walking there.

"Hey! I thought there was a bird.." I whisper into his chest making him look down to me.

"You look so cute from this angle" He coos looking back up.

"Oh yeah well you don't" I stick my tongue out to him, "Im so close to dropping you l/n" He threatens me.

"You'd never" I challenge.

For a second he dropped me but was quick to catch me making me hold on tighter than ever.

"loosen your grip, im not going anywhere" Sirius chuckles.

"No way" I shudder at the thought of hitting the hogwarts cold hard floor.

Sirius set me on one of the beds as we entered the wing. "What has happened here?" Madam pomfrey asks examining my leg.

"A bludger ma'am, will I still be able to tryout this Friday?" I question her hoping it's a yes.

"I think you'll be fine for Friday" I let out a breath at her words finally relived "of next month dear"

"WHAT?" I yell a little to loud making her look at me angry, Sirius frowning at my fate.

"You can ask the caption to arrange another try out but your leg won't be healing in a time span of two days" Madam explains.

"All my work for nothing" I groan sinking into the bed. Sirius grabs my hand rubbing his thumb onto it trying to relax me.

"You'll have next year as well" Sirius offers slightly cheering me.

Madam pomfrey wrapped up my foot, I thankfully could walk without the use of crutches but it was nonetheless still painful.

She had also assigned sirius to be my 'helper' for the next few weeks and aid me in anything i needed.

"Oo you get to be my servant" I poke at him as he looked at me annoyed.

"I'm not your servant!" He defends himself but knowing that he practically was.

"Onwards carry me to our room" I joke raising my hands for him to carry me.

"As if l/n" He starts walking away from the hospital bed.

"wait wait for me" I struggle to get out "Sirius?.."


James Remus and Peter all expressed their own concern.

Remus had scolded Sirius for wanting to practice with bludgers in the first place especially because he knows they can be dangerous since i'm not a beater.

James apologized 1000 times claiming he was the one that got me into quidditch hence it's his fault.

I didn't care though it wasn't even that bad. The only thing was that I wouldn't be able to try out.

"It's okay boys just make sure you lot win the cup even without me" I fake yawn while smirking.

"Oh we will" James and Sirius say in sync.

"Ay you'll be in our fan club right?" Sirius jested.

"y/n you better be screaming my name every time I get points" James teases along with Sirius.

"In both of your dreams." Remus butts in

"What lupin said" I roll my eyes as james and sirius start to fake cry.


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