Chapter 10: Punched

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Sirius Pov:

"Where are you going?" I smirk looking ahead at the boy walking away from me.

"Just leave me alone Black." Lucius says practically hissing at me.

I whisper a spell under my breathe making him trip on nothing but thin air. His books all fall to the floor, leaving him on the ground. I saw his hand grip his wand tightly.

"Lucius?" A voice calls out, Narcissa.

His hand immediately releases the wand. I watch as she bends down to help him pick up his books.

"Why must you be this way?" She looks up at me disappointed.

"He's a git. I know you don't see that but he is." I remark.

"Honestly Sirius what I see is him trying to ignore you but you aren't letting that happen. Aren't you enough of a disappointment." Narcissa says disgust dripping off of her tongue.

I shake my head and walk away. She doesn't understand. My fist clenches and I punch the wall.


My knuckles were bleeding. I don't know why I was so worked up. Narcissa was right I should've left him alone.

"Sirius?! You're bleeding." I turn around to see y/n. Her eyes were focused on my right hand though.

"It's nothing." I move my hand behind me.

She grabs my tie dragging me along to wherever she was taking me. This reminded me of when we first met and I did the same thing to her.

"Where are we going?" I ask, I didn't mind being led by her.

"Our room" She answers, "I have a first aid kit there."

We walked a tiny bit more in silence but then finally reached our room.

"Sit." She ordered me which I followed immediately. She crouched down underneath her bed pulling out a small box.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" She kneeled beside me grabbing my bleeding hand.

I didn't really want to tell her but the way she looked up at me with such care just made me spill everything out.

"It was Lucius Malfoy." I softly respond.

She raised her eyebrows needing more of an explanation.

"It's my cousins boyfriend- OUCH." She placed a burning cream on my hand.

"Sorry, I should've warned you." she opens a bandage and starts wrapping my hand. "Go on with what you were saying."

"Anyway, I saw him with another girl. I know i'm not really close with my family but I felt so angry."

I noticed y/n stopped wrapping my hand to speak, "That's really sweet of you Sirius. I'm glad you decided to stand up for her."

She finished the bandage and took a seat beside me. "That doesn't mean you should be punching walls though."

"Don't worry, this won't be a regular occurrence." I wave up my right hand. It was still sort of in pain but nothing compared to what i've felt before.

This reminded me of when reggie would have to clean my cuts from when we were younger.

That terrible household.

I shudder in the thought of it, "Hey are you alright?"

Y/n snapped me back into reality. I just nod my head not really wanting to talk. Her presence was enough and I think she understood that.

"On a different note... how are you going to be able to do any of your homework?" Y/n points to the stacks and stacks of paper on my desk.

My right hand probably wasn't in the best condition to write but that doesn't mean I couldn't try.

I grab a quill and try to write my name on my potions homework, y/n watching me try.

"Not my best penmanship but I definitely wrote." I look down at my miserable attempt.

Y/n grabs the paper squinting her eyes, trying to read what I wrote, "zirioz dluck?".

She madly starts to laugh which I just roll my eyes at. I grab the paper from her and put it back into the piles of parchment.

"Okay i'll make you a deal," Y/n says after the laughter had calmed down, "You tell me what to write and i'll write it on your work, and in return you stop punching walls."

I smile at her kindness, "Sounds good to me."

We sat down together, I watched as she wrote what I was saying. From time to time she would change what I said making sure it was the correct answer.

It was way more fun then from when i'd do homework alone but it also took us forever. We eventually finished and y/n decided to go shower before it was too late.

I stacked all of my papers together, stuffing it into my bag. I noticed y/n left her first aid kit out on my bed so I grabbed it to put away. I crouched down slipping it underneath her bed.

I saw a rectangular paper sitting near it. I pull it out. It was James and Y/n, they must've went to the photo booth at hogsmeade.

I examine the photos. It was a variety of them making foolish faces, the last one caught my eye. It was James kissing y/n on her right cheek. I slightly laugh at how nervous she looked.

But then my heart panged for a second.

Oh merlin.

EERRRRRR okay updating randomly again!!

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