Chapter 16: A Test

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After I found out about James and Regulus I felt stupid for not knowing earlier. At lunch they had an absurd amount of hidden glances.

The way they looked at each other. I couldn't quite understand. The fine line between hate and love I guess.

Regulus sat with two other boys, a blond one who had an everlasting smirk and the other brunette with a crazed look. They both seemed to have a lot more energy then Regulus.

Remus had seemed to follow the direction of my eyes leading to the group of 3. "Why are you looking over there?" Remus abruptly says.

I saw James tense up beside me. Even at the mention of Regulus he felt scared knowing that I knew the truth. As if any moment now I would expose him.

"I was just wondering who those two other boys were." I simply say trying to save myself.

"Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch." Peter answers before anyone else could speak. "A wild lot those 3, they're all so different."

"Not really." Remus coldly adds.

I give him a questioning glance making him further explain.

"They're all pure blood Slytherins. I mean they look at everyone half blood and muggle born as if they are complete dirt. I'm sure they'll grow on to be death eaters."

Death eaters were absolutely horrible people. They praised Voldemort and the floor he stood on.

"Not all of them are like that." James speaks up.

Remus eyes shift from mine to James.

"Says the pure blood."

James expression softens at that statement, "That isn't what I meant."

Remus sinks his head back into the defensive against the dark arts book. He was studying for a test we had after lunch. One that I should be studying for now.

I turn to face James.

He looked upset that Remus didn't have a snarky remark back or that he had nothing to say at all. He clearly hated when things got silent between everyone.

I think it made him feel like he was losing the argument. Which was dumb because he got the last word.

Lunch was over and we eventually went to class. I met up with Sirius instead of walking with the others.

"What's the strongest protection spell?" I quiz Sirius trying to remember all the knowledge as well.

"I don't know and don't care."

I roll my eyes at his stupidity, "Okay... what about the ingredients to brew the draught of living death?"

Sirius once again shrugs.

I slap my forehead seeing that he clearly doesn't care about a test, which was a major part of our grade.

I continue to study as we walked to class. Sirius placed his hands on my shoulders guiding me on where to walk making sure not to crash into someone.

Sometimes he would purposely make me crash into another person which I apologized to the victim for and scolded Sirius very loudly for.

We finally got to the classroom and sat in our seats. The teacher passed out the test, threatening everyone to be silent.

"30 minutes go."

The rush of everyone's paper flipping and pencils writing made me feel ten times more nervous.

I read the first question. Shit I don't know this?! Was it even in the text book?! I look around the room and everyone seemed to be putting down answers.

I went through the entire test. I only knew about 13/25 questions. A 52 isn't to horrible.

I feel a nudge to my foot.

I look to the right of me and it was Sirius, he threw me a piece of paper. It made me annoyed that in the middle of a test he was trying to distract me.

I unravel the paper finding all of the answers to the test in Sirius's messy handwriting.

My eyes go wide, I look back to Sirius who had a smug smile.

I didn't know if I could trust these though, I mean not only 30 minutes ago I was quizzing Sirius and he had gotten everything wrong.

"10 minutes" The teacher loudly announces.

Something was better then nothing.

I scribble on the answers changing a few to make sure nothing looks suspicious.

I fold the paper into my pocket and smile towards Sirius mouthing him a thank you.

The teacher collected everyone's test and we were all free to go.

Sirius had left the class before I could actually talk to him. I think it's because a loud group of boys were coming up behind me.

"How do you all think you did?" Peter asks, "I know I flunked it. I left about half of it blank."

"Me too, it was hard." Remus agrees.

We all roll our eyes and Remus's statement. He's never not gotten a 100 on these tests.

"Sure Lupin, sure" James gives Remus a hefty pat on the shoulder making him almost trip. All of us burst into laughter.

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