Chapter 8: My date

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I apply my lipstick once more before heading down the stairs. I was wearing a short dress but it was still pretty conservative because it was a school event.

I take a few more looks in the mirror before walking out of my room. I immediately see my date waiting for me on the coach.

"Hi." I sneak up behind him, causing him to jump a little in his seat. He turns to see me quickly calming down. "Hi y/n, you scared me."

"I could tell by how you jumped from your seat like a little girl." I tease him causing him to laugh along.

He looked me up at down, "You look really nice.  Thank you for accompanying me."

I blush a little at his compliment. "You look good too James."

——:——(The day before the banquet)

I didn't know what I was going to do about the banquet. The dinner was tomorrow and Sirius and James both believed for me to be their date.

THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS. How have they not realized I had agreed to go with both of them. I slap my forehead in confusion.

What was I going to do?

I thought a bit more, laying on my bed. I wanted to go with James. That is final.

This meant I was going to have to talk to Sirius though. I was scared to confront him because it was very sudden for me to cancel and especially to go with his best friend instead.

After some time I was playing with my pet owl teaching him little tricks on my bed, then Sirius walks into our room. "What's up?" He asks nonchalantly.

He made his way to his own side of the room setting his texts books on his desk. "Nothing." I reply trying not to seem weird.

He doesn't say anything and starts to sit in his chair blankly stare at his notes. "Actually I wanted to talk about something with you."

Here we go. I was doing this.

"Thank merlin. I did not want to have to study anymore" Sirius walks his way over to me and sits on the bottom of my bed.

"You were only studying for 6 minutes." I acknowledge, "6 minutes way to long." Sirius retaliated.

"Okay anyway, I was gonna tell you for the dinner I don't think I can be your date." I admit.

"WHAT?! Why not? You told me you would." Sirius says sadly.

"I know I know but, James had asked me and I felt bad because he had gotten rejected by Lily and he seemed very upset so I just said yes to him without thinking." That was a huge lie although it did save me from looking like a total jerk.

"Oh I see James's feelings are more important then mine." Sirius sarcastically smiles.

"Sirius you know that is not it."

"Oh yeah? So you couldn't have explained to James that you were already going with me or were you to busy being empathetic?"


"No no it's fine y/n, I didn't want to go with you anyway. That's why I asked you actually, so you could go with James." He was standing to the side of my bed now clearly angry.

"I'm sorry." That was all I could say. I didn't know what else would help in this situation.

"I am sorry too." Sirius storms out of the room.

"Well that didn't go as well as planned." I groan in frustration to my owl who sadly chirped beside me.

"Well he's going to have to come back at some point. Where else would he sleep?" My owl stared at me in confused clearly not understanding what was going on.

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