chapter 4 : detention

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"We're going to be practicing tessomancy which the art of reading tea leaves, so switch cups with your partner" Professor Trelawney instructs.

"she's mad" James whispers as he hands me his cup and I agree. She's definitely out of it.

She told us to find what our cups was telling us.  "Your cup has an apple in it which means you will be experiencing... teeth loss."

"Nooo not these pearly whites" James smiles showing off his teeth.

"What does mine say?" I curiously ask trying to peek into my cup. I saw james finger in the cup earlier probably changing the leaves.

"Your cup is very interesting i'd take a look for myself" He hands over my cup and I look inside to see a poorly put together tea leaf drawing of professor Trelawney.

This caused me and james to burst out in laughter. "Is there a problem here?" She asks walking over to us.

"No professor, y/n's cup is just very peculiar " James manages to respond. I'm not sure why he said that because it made Trelawney check my cup and when she saw herself she was not happy.

"You both are disrespecting the art of tessomancy, lunch detention both of you!" she yells before walking away.

"Man detention on the 5th day of school? this bites" I groan.

"it's okay last year it was the first day of school for me" James says laughing probably thinking of what he did to get him in trouble.

The bell rang which meant it was our lunch, Professor let us go get lunch to bring back here so we can eat while she figures out our punishment.

"Did you have to tell her my cup was peculiar?" I ask james not feeling like going to a detention.

"I'm sorry l/n, but it was to funny not to get her reaction of it" He explains as we walked.

The rest of the boys were already there, "We've got detention mates" James informed picking up an apple off the table.

"Careful your teeth might fall out" I grab the apple setting it back onto the table. Making James smile.

I loved making him smile.

"What'd you two get detention for?" Remus asks.

"James idiocy" I answer making James hit me, "More like my amazing art skills" He fights.

The boys were confused but ignored us. We grabbed a few snacks before heading back.

Sirius's pov :

"What'd you think got them so happy?" I watch as they walk out of the great hall laughing together.

"They're friends Padfoot" Remus tells me as if i didn't know that.

"And if they were more wouldn't it be good? James getting over lily" Peter points out.

of course it wouldn't be good. James belongs with lily.

"C'mon Pete you don't think James would stoop to y/n's level?" I stupidly say causing both of them to look at me disgusted.

"Sirius." was all remus had to say to make me know that I didn't mean it.

"I know im sorry, it's just weird seeing prongs like that" I frown

"What's getting you so worked about seeing them together anyways" remus questioned

"Nothing I don't care i'm only keeping curious moony" I defended.

I seriously didn't care but I don't want to be the one wiping y/ns tears at night because James can't get over lily. If she wasn't my roommate i'd tell him to go for her. I think.

She's really nice and not to mention extremely pretty, and smart why wouldn't I encourage them.

why don't I?

Y/n's pov :

"I want all of my crystal balls to be clean and shiny once I get back which will be before your 5th class" Trelawney explains before leaving James and I alone.

I hand james a towel and myself one too and start shining a crystal ball.

"There should be a spell for this" James groaned "I don't want to clean 15 crystal balls"

"If you'd like i'll do 16 so you only have to do 14" I joke trying to make him feel better.

It seemed to work because it caused him to smirk, "what a great friend you are" He plays along.

"I know your so lucky to have me" I flip my hair adding to the effect.

James laughed and slightly pushed me "You haven't been spending to much time with sirius have you? Your cockiness is getting to his"

"oh never say that again" I push him back making him bump into a table knocking down a crystal ball.

I quickly catch it before it could hit the floor and shatter.

"Nice reflexes y/n" James examined me "Have you considered playing quidditch, we could use your reflexes and speed."

"I never played, they didn't have a team at my old school" I clarified putting the ball back onto its stand.

"Try outs are in 2 weeks we need another chaser, Sirius and I are on the team" James tells me while we continue to clean. "My brooms getting repaired right now but Sirius could teach you a little roommate bonding"

"That'd be really nice actually, as long as he's  not to busy making out with girls" I teased.

"I'll talk to him for you, make sure he's free and not snogging" James winks.

Damn he's cute.

"You'll probably have to use a school broom for now but if you are good like I know you will be, maybe on our hogsmeade trip we can look at brooms together. Choose a good one for you"

"sounds nice" I beamed.

"Hey just don't take my spot on the team kay?" He cautioned, "oh I wouldn't think of it" I assure him both of us laughing.

"You know this detention hasn't been the worst" James admits finishing up the last of the crystal balls.

"I'm glad to hear that" I said "but maybe avoid getting more detentions"

"who knows maybe i'll get purposely get us into trouble and spend more time like this" He smirks.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach, I knew the marauders were all flirty. I mean they are all super attractive so it's not like it's unexpected but I knew I could not fall for any of them.

"looking forward to it"


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