Chapter 19 : Regulus Black

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The boys were back from their breaks and classes were going to start again. I invited James back to my dorm because Sirius was busy for the day and who knows where Remus and Peter were.

"So nibble?" James pets the small kitten who was purring softly. "Cats are so cute. I might steal him from you honestly."

He smiled widely clearly amused. It brought me back to what Sirius had said in the store.

My brother though, Regulus, he's a sucker for these things.

I wondered if they had talked about their love for cats with each other. Their desire to own one when they grow old.

"Please refrain from robbing me. I'd like to my my belongings." I joke around and he laughs.

"Don't worry, i'll leave him be." He lets go of nibble who scampers underneath Sirius's bed.

We sit in silence for a bit, usually when our conversation died down it wouldn't be awkward but as of right now it was.

"So," James breaks it finally, "How was break?"

"It was okay. Me and Sirius had tons of fun." I blandly reply as he just shook his head.

And here came back the silence.

I watched as he played with his fingers trying to think of something to say and so was I. Yet we had nothing to talk about.

This made me think back to a few months ago to when I wouldn't have to think. Words would just slip off of my tongue while speaking to James.

We had absolutely nothing and everything to talk about.

"I'll get going then, find out what the rest of them are up to." James glanced at me but not making much eye contact.

"Okay, i'll see you later." I say staring at him. I wondered if he wished for me to protest against him leaving.

He left quite abruptly though. With the door closing, I was stuck in my room of silence.

I had an idea to go find Remus or Peter knowing that I haven't caught up with them in a bit but I figured James would have found them by now.

Merlin I need more friends.

But then a sweet brunette came to my mind.

"Alice!" I knock at her door, shouting from the outside.

"Y/n! Hi come in!" Alice opened her door to let me in. Frank was sitting on her bed waving a hi.

"What've you guys been up too?" I ask sitting down on a bed next to hers, since Frank had already occupied that one.

"Oh nothing." Alice winks at Frank who was smirking, as she sat beside him.

I make a disgusted face, "You lot are gross."

"Hush, as if you and Sirius don't get it on."

I could feel my face heat up from her assumption because clearly that would never happen.

"Alice!" I throw a pillow at her, "I would never."

"Frank help she's attacking me." Alice shields herself with Franks taller body.

"I DON'T WANNA BE HIT." He moves her to the front of them now saving himself.

"Oh how chivalrous." Alice rolls her eyes but was also laughing as all of us did.

We all talked for a long time. There were many topics that were needed for discussion, like how badly all of us wanted to see a penguin.

I'd realized that time was passing by very fast and I was probably ruining there short time that they could get alone.

"Hey, next time you come over bring Nibble please." Frank says as I was walking out the room.

"Don't worry, you guys will be my first option for a cat sitter."

Frank gave a cheesy smile with his thumbs up, making me giggle then finally closing the door shut.

And all over again.

Just like what had happened when James left my room earlier this morning.

My world fell quiet.

I guess I always did near people with me or i'd be miserable.

I walk down the stairs and thankfully see Remus.

"Hey Remus." I say and he looks up at me and smiles warmly, "Hey."

"Where's James and Peter?" I ask him, noticing he wasn't with his usual crowd.

"Hm I haven't seen James all day, and Pete is playing wizards chess with some Hufflepuffs."

He hasn't seen James all day.

"It was crazy. The Hufflepuffs bet 15 galleons on them winning."

He hasn't seen James all day.

"They don't know Peter is amazing at wizards chess though."

Regulus Black.

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