Chapter 2: Cupid Meets the Guardians

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200 years later, Cupid, now wearing a long-sleeved pink jumpsuit with the back exposed and hugged her curves (the rest of the outfit is the same), was on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

(A/N The outfit (but pink, with huge white wings, brown boots, and an actual bow and arrows).)


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She made that her home since it looked like a city of love

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She made that her home since it looked like a city of love. She used her arrows for couples and when the spell seemed to work well, she retrieved her arrows and went about her business.

One night, she was just resting at a table on the tower when she heard something go by quickly. She got up and flew after it. This lasted for a while until she was right behind the Louvre. She had an arrow ready in her bow as she looked around.

"You gonna make me fall in love with someone, Cu?" an Australian accent chuckled.

Cupid sighed and remarked as she put her arrow and bow away, "You're tempting me, Thumper."

(A/N I saw this nickname for Bunny in one fan fiction. I forgot where, but I liked it.)

"Very funny, Sheila," Bunny said as he stepped into view.

"So what's up?" Cupid asked.

"The other Guardians and I want to talk to you about something. We're meeting at the North Pole," he answered.

"Hmm. I see. Didn't need the yetis to capture me in a sack?" she smirked.

Bunny chuckled and stated, "Let's face it; it's easier to negotiate with you than most people."

"I'll give you that. So when are we leaving?" Cupid asked.

"Now," he answered.

He thumped his foot on the ground and a hole formed. He hopped in and Cupid flew into the air then in it, it closing behind her. They traveled through the tunnel, having a little race until they made it to the North Pole. Once there, they were greeted by North, Tooth, and Sandy.

"Ah, there she is. Cupid," North said.

"Whoa," Cupid whispered.

This was the first time she was meeting the other Guardians. She's seen them when they did their jobs in Paris, but it was different now since she was seeing them face to face. She only knew Bunny since his holiday was closer to hers and he was like an older brother to her. They met around 100 years after she became Cupid. And Bunny told her about them, so she knew about Baby Tooth and the other fairies, along with the yetis, elves, and the others who help the Guardians.

"I see that Bunny did not need to bring the yetis to convince you to come," North said.

"He knows that I can be cooperative. When I want to be that is," Cupid answered.

"I've been on both ends of that," Bunny said.

She laughed a little at that.

"I'm Tooth by the way and this is Sandy," Tooth introduced while Sandy nodded.

"Nice to meet you," Cupid returned then asked, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"We want to tell you that you are Guardian!" North exclaimed.

Cupid looked at them a little dumbfounded as the elves began to play the fanfare and North got the book. But she signaled Bunny to get them to stop. He nodded and he got North to do so. Once it quieted down, she gave them a questioning look.

"Look, I'm flattered and all, but I can't become a Guardian," she said.

"Why not?" Tooth asked, confused.

Sandy had a confused look on his face too as a gold question mark appeared above his head.

"I know the catch to being one. And where I'm at now, I'd go away immediately. No one believes in me and my work seems to be meant for only adults," Cupid explained.

"Cupid, you were chosen like we all were chosen. Man in Moon did so himself," North replied.

"I get that, sort of. The only things he told me were my name and that I was supposed to bring love to the children of the world. But have you seen what kids believe now? Wonder, hope, memories, and dreams, sure, but love? They're too young for what I do. I'll help with whatever you need, but I'm not ready to be a Guardian," Cupid continued.

The others pondered that for a minute. She did have a point, but they believed not only that she would make a great Guardian, but also that children would believe in her eventually.

"Alright. You don't have to become Guardian now. But we want you to help us protect the children and when you are ready to become one, we will be ready to help you," North decided.

"I can do that," Cupid agreed.

And since then, Cupid helped them with anything, but she still felt she wasn't ready to take on the role as a Guardian.


A/N Huge step there, huh?

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