Chapter 7: Bunny and Cupid Recruit Jack

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Sandman's job was done and Jack just looked at the sky until he felt something rush by him.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed.

He followed it until he ended up in an alley. He readied his staff just in case.

"Hello, mate," an Australian accent spoke.

Jack turned around to see the outline of a giant rabbit.

"Been a long time. Blizzard of '68 I believe. Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" Bunny asked as he and Cupid, from behind, stepped into view.

"Bunny! You're not still mad about that, are you?" Jack asked innocently.

"Yes. But this is about something else," Bunny answered.

"And who's the new girl?" Jack asked, referring to the girl in pink.

"I'm Cupid," Cupid introduced herself.

"I always thought Cupid was a baby in a diaper," Jack commented.

Cupid seethed a little at that. She absolutely hated when people thought of her as a baby in only a diaper. She exhaled and returned to a smile.

"Nope. That's just a stereotype people believe," she said.

"Wow. You handled that better than the last time someone said that," Bunny pointed out.

"It's different this time," Cupid whispered to him.

Bunny just rolled his eyes then said, "Anyway. Fellas?"

At that, the yetis grabbed Jack.

"Hey! Put me down! What the..." he objected.

They tossed him into the sack then threw down a snow globe on the ground, opening a portal to the Pole. They asked in their own language to Bunny and Cupid if they would go through as well.

"Us?" Bunny asked, chuckled, then said, "Not on your nelly. See you back at the Pole. Let's go, Cu."

"Right behind you, Thumper," Cupid responded.

He thumped his foot on the ground, forming a tunnel. They hopped in and when it closed, a flower formed. Then the yetis tossed the sack through the portal and they jumped in after it.

The sack landed in the workshop and the elves opened it to see him then ran off.

"He's here. Quiet," North whispered to the others as Jack got out of the sack, then North exclaimed, "Hey! There he is! Jack Frost!"

"Wow. You got to be kidding me," Jack mumbled to himself.

Then the yetis lifted him up and on his feet.

"Hey, hey. Put me down," Jack told them, them obeying.

"I hope the yetis treated you well," North said.

"Oh, yeah, I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal," Jack stated sarcastically, getting his staff.

"Oh, good. That was my idea! We didn't have to do that for Cupid," North remarked.

Cupid rolled her eyes, saying, "Very funny, North."

"So you know Bunny, obviously," North continued, indicating toward Bunny.

He was leaning against one of the columns.

"Obviously," Jack commented.

"And the Tooth Fairy," North said.

"Hello, Jack. I've heard a lot about you. And your teeth!" Tooth replied excitedly.

"My-my what?" Jack wondered, confused.

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