Chapter 22: Only One Light Left

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Jack, Cupid, and Baby Tooth flew back to Pitch's lair and opened up the cages to free the fairies.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jack urged, they all started squeaking, then Jack asked, "What's wrong?"

The fairies squeaked frantically in response.

"None of you can fly?" Jack wondered.

"Jack. The lights," Cupid said, her attention on the globe.

When Jack looked at it, sure enough, the lights were going out.

Then at the North Pole, Pitch appeared on the globe, getting the other yetis' and elves' attention.

"You're all free to go! We won't be needing any Christmas toys this year, thank you. Nor ever again," Pitch stated, making the yeti groan since he just finished painting the toy robots red.

Jack and Cupid went to the globe to see only a small handful of lights left.

"They're all going out," Jack said.

"Oh no," Cupid freaked out.

"Only six left. Six precious children who still believe in the Guardians with all their hearts. Make that five," Pitch smirked as he snuffed one out then counted down as he made the others go out, "Oh! Four. Three! Two!"

Pitch then snapped his fingers for the last one to go out, but it stayed lit. He tried a couple more times, but it stayed the same, making him glare at the last light.

"One," he finished angrily.

Jack and Cupid noticed it too and they got a closer look at it, realizing who it was that still believed.

"Jamie," Jack said in relief.

(A/N Every time he says that, I fan girl since that's my name too. XD)

"Baby Tooth, you stay with the other fairies and we'll go see Jamie," Cupid instructed.

Baby Tooth nodded and Jack and Cupid flew out of Pitch's lair.

"By the way, how many people named Jamie do you know exactly?" Cupid smirked.

"Very funny. Come on," Jack said with a smile and eye roll.

They then made it to his house and went to his window to hear him talking to his stuffed rabbit he had.

"Okay, look. You and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads. So here's what's gonna happen. If it wasn't a dream and if you are real then you have to prove it, like, right now," Jamie said, nothing came from the toy, then Jamie continued, "I've believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life, in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much. Just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything at all."

Jamie got no response, making his smile fall.

"I knew it," he grumbled then dropped the rabbit toy.

Jack and Cupid knew they had to act fast, so they went inside and Jack frosted the window and Cupid drew an Easter egg on it, getting Jamie's attention. He gasped and looked at his stuffed rabbit before turning back to the window. Jack frosted another window and Cupid started drawing a rabbit.

"He's real!" Jamie whispered.

Then Jack concentrated and made the image of the rabbit come alive, making Jamie and Cupid amazed.

"Whoa!" Jamie exclaimed then laughed as he tried to catch it while it ran around the room.

Jack and Cupid laughed too as the rabbit hopped around the room before it burst into snow.

"Whoa!" Jamie chuckled then questioned, "Snow?"

Then a snowflake landed on Jamie's nose, making his eyes widen.

"Jack Frost," he whispered.

Jack looked in his direction in confusion and started to ask, "Did he just say..."

"I think he did," Cupid said.

"Jack Frost?" Jamie called.

"He said it again. He said...You said..." Jack breathed.

Then Jamie looked at him, his mouth hung open, and declared, "Jack Frost!"

"That's right! But that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! You said my name!" Jack freaked out, paused, then asked, "Wait. Can-Can you hear me?"

Jamie nodded at that.

"C-Can you...Can you see me?" Jack continued.

Again, Jamie nodded, making Jack release a small laugh.

"He sees me! He sees me!" Jack said then laughed while flipping in the air.

"You just made it snow!" Jamie replied.

"I know!" Jack nodded.

"In my room!" Jamie continued.

"I know!" Jack repeated.

"You're real?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards and the snow days?" Jack pointed out then reminded, "And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?"

"That was you?" Jamie wondered.

"That was me!" Jack answered.

"Cool!" Jamie cheered.

"Right?" Jack agreed.

"But what about the Easter Bunny? And the Tooth Fairy?" Jamie asked.

"Real, real, real! Every one of us is real," Jack told him, holding the stuffed rabbit.

"I knew it!" Jamie shouted.

"Jamie, who are you talking to?" his mom asked from the other side of the door.

"Um..." Jamie started, Jack signaled to tell her, then Jamie answered, "Jack Frost?"

"Okay," his mom chuckled before walking off.

They laughed and then Jack looked at Cupid, who gave Jack a small smile and a thumbs up. He then turned back to Jamie, hoping what he was about to do would help her.

"By the way, there's one more person in this room," Jack told Jamie, making Cupid's eyes widen, then he went on, "But she doesn't think you'll believe in her."

"Why not?" Jamie wondered.

"What she does for people is different than what the others and I do for kids," Jack answered.

"Well, I want to believe in her, but I don't know how," Jamie shrugged.

Then Cupid spotted a photo album that had Jamie's friends on it, so she shot an arrow at it, gaining the guys' attention. Jamie got it and looked through it before widening his eyes again. He then looked around until he saw the pink-haired girl. She looked behind her to see if there was anything behind her, which there wasn't, before looking back at Jamie.

"Cupid?" Jamie asked.

Cupid cupped her mouth shut as tears formed in her eyes. She bent forward a bit as she wiped her tears away then came back up to show her happy smile.

"Yes," Cupid answered, they all laughed a bit, then she hugged Jack, saying, "Thank you, Jack."

"You're welcome," Jack told her.

They parted, all of them just smiling.

"Also, back before I was Cupid, my name was Jamie," Cupid told the boy.

"No way," Jamie said in excitement.

"Yes way," Cupid giggled.

Then they all felt a gust of wind and they went to check it out.


A/N Yay! Jack and Cupid have their first believer! And they got Jamie to continue believing in the Guardians!

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