Chapter 15: Sandy's Gone

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Sandy, Jack, and Cupid continued chasing the Nightmare for a bit before Jack chased it to a building where he managed to ice it.

"I got it!" Jack cheered.

He went to the roof to find the Nightmare, frozen to the ground.

"Sandy! Cupid, did you see that?" Jack called.

"I did and that was awesome!" Cupid said as she landed beside Jack.

"Thanks," Jack said then commented, "Look at this thing."

"Frost?" a familiar voice questioned.

They turned around to see Pitch there. Jack tried to blast him, but he evaded it as Cupid prepared an arrow in her bow. They hopped down a roof when they saw Pitch on another roof.

"You know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos. This isn't either of your fight," Pitch stated.

"You made it our fight when you stole those teeth!" Jack pointed out, their weapons ready.

"Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch asked.

"You oughta know why, you idiot," Cupid snapped.

Then Pitch felt someone's presence beside him, so he turned to see Sandy, making him jump a bit then chuckle.

"Now this is who I'm looking for," Pitch remarked.

Then Sandy attacked him with his gold lassos and Pitch fought back, making Jack and Cupid duck when his weapon about hit them. But then Sandy grabbed Pitch with one of his lassos, slung him around, then threw him to the pavement.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Jack told him.

"I'm already aware of that," Cupid said.

"Okay, easy. You can't blame me for trying, Sandy. You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated. It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So, I'll tell you what," Pitch pleaded as he got up then smirked, "You can have them back."

Then many Nightmares showed up and surrounded the trio.

"You take the ones on the left, Cupid and I'll take the ones on the right?" Jack suggested.

Then Pitch came back out, riding one Nightmare while glaring at them.

"Boo!" Pitch said.

Then the Nightmares attacked, but the sleigh came out of nowhere and stopped the attack, though the others were asleep in it until they hit a building.

"Huh?" North questioned as they all jolted awake.

They noticed the fight and they immediately joined in. As they fought, Sandy took off for the sky while Cupid did the same, but grabbing Jack in the process.

"Come on!" North yelled.

The fight went on, them shredding the Nightmares to black sand. Jack about lost his staff in one scuffle, free falling in the process, but grabbed it before landing on one wing of the sleigh.

"You might want to duck," Bunny replied.

He did when Bunny threw a boomerang at the Nightmare behind Jack, caught it, then smirked at him.

Sandy was taking out more Nightmares and black sand as best he could when Pitch ended up behind him, which the others noticed.

"We've got to help Sandy!" Jack told them.

"Yah!" North commanded.

Then Pitch prepared a black sand dagger like an arrow then released, it hitting Sandy directly in the back.

"No!" Jack yelled then took off for Pitch.

"Jack, wait!" Cupid called as Jack continued flying.

"Don't fight the fear, little man!" Pitch said as Sandy weakly turned to face him.

Pitch laughed as black sand formed around Sandy. The others tried to help him, but more Nightmares came.

"Hurry! Hurry, Jack!" North urged.

"I'd say 'sweet dreams,' but there aren't any left," Pitch remarked.

The black sand soon overcame Sandy, making him disappear.

"Sandy?" North asked.

"No! No!" Jack shouted.

He charged, making Pitch send a huge wave of black sand at him. Jack stopped himself and the sand did the same. Pitch smirked until he felt a rumble then he and the others saw Jack glow a bright blue before releasing a huge ice blast against the black sand, sending Pitch back. The iced black sand then exploded, knocking Jack out and making him free fall.

"Jack!" North yelled.

Cupid immediately flew up and caught him before gently placing him in the sleigh as he started coming to.

"Jack, how did you do that?" Tooth wondered.

"I didn't even know I could," Jack breathed then looked at his staff, wondering how he did that.

As they flew through a portal that brought them back to the North Pole, Pitch watched from the shadows before laughing.

"Finally! Someone who knows how to have a little fun!" Pitch stated.


A/N NO! SANDY! Pitch is gonna get it!

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