🕳Chapter 27🕳

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5 young kids ran together, laughing happily with wide grins on their faces.

"VROOOMMM!!! Move, move, move, big bro Take!" A blonde exclaimed, holding a toy airplane.

Takeomi screamed in surprise when Mikey stepped on the couch and jumped over him.

"That's dangerous, Mikey!" Takeomi said.

"Isn't it cool?! This Concorde plastic model! The supersonic airliner!" Mikey grinned, ignoring the older guy's warning.

"Huh?" Takeomi deadpanned.

"Wait up, Mikey!" Baji called out as he ran inside.

"Let me play with it too!" Haruchiyo followed.

"You idiots! You'll never lay a finger on this!" Mikey said as he kept running.

"Kids, man." Takeomi said.

"That model looks so cool! I want one too!" Senju grinned.

"Hey man, that's not girlish of you!" Takeomi said.

"Hey, Haruchiyo! Have you not realized that you've been teaching Senju the wrong words? Since I'm not leaving home anymore, you have to set a good example for her!" He scolded the young boy.

The younger boy paused from his chasing and looked back at his older brother with a meek expression.

"I'm sorry big bro Take..." Haruchiyo apologized.

Y/n stood still as she stared at Shinichiro who was flirting with Hiromi. The girl laughed as Shinichiro's face was red.

"Hmm...Shinichiro. Leave her alone, you lousy guy." Y/n said with a blank expression.

Shinichiro felt an arrow stab his heart as Hiromi sweatdropped.

"What do you mean by that?! I'm awesome!" Shinichiro argued.

"No, you're not!" Y/n said.

"She's right, Shinichiro!" Mikey said as he passed by the room again.

Shinichiro froze.

"Why are you always so mean...?! Both of you are so cruel!" He said.

Y/n stuck her tongue out before laughing and running out of the room, dodging the pillow Shinichiro threw at her.

"You're weak too! Your aim sucks too! You generally suck and I'm better than you!" Y/n was heard laughing as she ran down the hall.

"You better get back here, Y/n!" Shinichiro yelled.


Y/n ate some candy as she walked down the hall. She had nothing to do as Hiromi had left and the boys had run off somewhere without her noticing. She would play with Emma, but the girl was currently busy helping her grandpa.

As Y/n turned the corner of the hall, she heard a thud. Blinking owlishly, she walked down the hall where she heard the sound and peeked her head in a room to see Senju on the floor and Mikey's plane, broken on the floor.

"Hmm..." She stared blankly before walking down the hall again, this time with something on her mind.


Y/n hummed as she finished her task. A tape roll and glue container were on the floor as Y/n caressed the item she was working with. As she stood with a proud expression, she slightly paused when she heard Baji yell Mikey's name, followed by screams. Y/n picked up the item she had and walked over to see what the commotion was.

"Huh?" She uttered, her eyes slightly widening at what she saw.

"Smile, Haruchiyo. Laugh." Mikey said, stared down at the boy with blank, white, wide eyes.

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