🎞Chapter 36🎞

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"Isn't it a great day today? It's the best weather for a walk outside, Y/n." Izana smiled as he pushed the girl on a wheelchair.

Beside him, Hiromi walked with a calm expression, sparing glances at the duo to make sure everything was alright. Although, her heart can't help but ache every time she looks at Y/n, the noticeable weight loss, and the dark circles under her dead, blank, white eyes.

"It's been 4 years. You're in elementary school still, but next year, you'll finally be in middle school." Izana smiled.

Soon, the trio stopped under the shade of a tree and Izana positioned Y/n beside a bench before sitting down.

"Y'know, Hiromi. I'm still mad about what you did and planned." Izana spoke with a blank expression.

The older girl slightly flinched upon remembering their conversation years ago. But she nodded, understanding the boy's anger. She's angry at herself too.

"I know and I understand. I don't forgive myself and I don't want or expect anyone to forgive me." Hiromi said.

"If Y/n knew, she'd call you pathetic. She hates weak people after all. But, maybe she might've forgiven you because of how much you played the role of a good sister." Izana said.

"Yeah...Y/n's cocky and dramatic at times, even blunt and what others would consider mean, but she's a good person..." Hiromi looked at the sky as her hair blew to the side.

"Saying that, good people are also naive at times and can be taken advantage of..."


"Haruchiyo's finally released? He's been in there for almost a year, right?" Shinichiro smiled as he drove.

"Why do you give a fuck about someone like him? He used a damn katana and slashed all of his friends. He's not right in the head." Baji clicked his tongue as he rested his arms behind his head.

"Aw, don't say that, Baji. He attacked them because they were talking shit about Manjiro and Y/n. Isn't that just how Haruchiyo is?" Shinichiro reasoned.

"Hmph." Baji pursed his lips.

"And besides, what are you doing? Not even going to school and loitering around. Your mother must be worried, no?" Shinichiro rose a brow.

"...It's fine. There's nothing great about middle school anyway." Baji looked out the window.


"Thank you for your care." A boy bowed to a guard.

"Don't come back, alright?" The guard spoke.


The boy perked up and looked back.

"Shinichiro-kun, Baji..." The boy muttered.

"Yo!" Shinichiro waved as Baji stood beside him with a bored expression and his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Takeomi's still saying he's on non-speaking terms with you or something like that. So in the end I decided to come pick you up instead." Shinichiro said.

Haruchiyo was silent before saying, "That aside, how are Y/n and Mikey?"

Shinichiro's smile slightly faltered but he said, "Wanna go see them?"


Shinichiro exited the hospital with a wheelchair and approached Baji and Haruchiyo who stood beside some trees.

"Alright, Manjiro. It's been a year since you've seen Haruchiyo." Shinichiro said. "Also, I asked about Y/n, but they told me that Hiromi took her outside, so I can't really bring her to see you, Haruchiyo. I'm sure Hiromi will be back soon though."

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