⚙️Chapter 49⚙️

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"Huh?" Y/n blinked, dropping the sweater she once held.

"We will be having a guest over for dinner. He is a very good friend of your father and I. You've met him before, but it was years ago, so you probably don't remember." Akane repeated, stirring the sizzling food on the pan.

"This friend of yours...What's his name?" Y/n asked, pursing her lips.

Akane, not noticing the girl's unusual body language, replied, "Mukon. That is what he goes by."

"Oh...How nice." Y/n muttered, her eyes darkening.

When Akane turned her head to look at the girl, the latter regained her composure and smiled.

"Could you please help me set up the table?" The woman requested.

"Sure!" Y/n nodded, grabbing a stack of plates and utensils.

She stalked her way to the dining table, humming as she set up, noting the spots her family members usually sat in. Now setting up on the guest side, Y/n slightly grit her teeth with a strained smile.

"How I would love to get rid of you already..." She muttered, her shaky hands gripping the butter knife in her palms.

"Hey, Y/n." A voice spoke, the culprit stepping into the room.

Y/n took in a sharp breath and turned, now finished with the small chore.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"There was a call just now and it was from Mikey. He said he needs you to go to the Musashi Shrine." Homura informed.

"Oh. Right now?" Y/n blinked.

"Yup." Homura nodded. "By the way, were you talking to someone? I heard some muttering."

"Ah- I was talking to myself 'cause I just now remembered something I needed to do for school." Y/n quickly excused.

"Oh. Okay. Imma head to my room now. Peace." Homura gave a peace sign as he left.

Y/n exhaled slowly.

'What could Mikey want? Did he find something out?' Y/n wondered as she approached the front door.

As she changed her shoes, she called out, "I'm heading out!"

"Really?" Akane was heard.

The woman stepped out of the kitchen, approaching Y/n while wiping her hands on the apron she wore.

"Do you know how long you'll be out? I wouldn't want you to miss dinner." Akane spoke.

"I'm not sure. I'm meeting up with Mikey and he didn't say for what and how long." Y/n rubbed the back of her neck.

"Hmmm...Well, please try to be back before 6:30 pm/18:30. I'm starting to become a bit worried with how much you're gone and how you always seem to return late." Akane said.

Y/n stared at her blankly before grinning, "Don't worry! I'll be back on time. I promise!"

"Alright. Get going now." Akane chuckled, making her way back to the kitchen.

Y/n stepped out of the house and walked onto the sidewalk, her hands stuffed in her pockets as she kept her eyes trained to the ground.

"Worried, huh...That's a first."


"Oh?" Y/n blinked as she made it up the stairs.

"Y/n!" Baji grinned as he waved his hand.

"You came too, huh." Kazutora grinned.

"Did Mikey call you here too?" Draken asked as he sat somewhere aside.

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