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"Thank you, everyone, for coming here today to send our finals goodbye to Y/n." Kurai said.

Akane and Ankoku sat on his left, Homura and Hiromi on his right. Kurai was the only one who managed to keep his composure while the rest of his family members silently cried.

When Kurai finished his speech, people began lining up to say their prayers in front of the coffin. First, of course, were close relatives.

"I'm sorry, Y/n...If only me and your father were here for you...!" Akane cried, holding her hands to her face as tears rapidly fell from her eyes.

"We'll forever hold you in our heart, Y/n. You'll forever be one of my greatest joys." Ankoku said, worryingly rubbing Akane's back while tears trailed down his face.

Next was Hiromi who was accompanied by Aoi and Shinichiro.

"Y/n...I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. If only I had been there every time for you, not whenever it was convenient...I will always love you..." Hiromi said, slightly hiccuping as tears fell from her eyes.

"Y/n, you were like a younger sister to me. I watched you grow up and I had a lot of memorable moments with you. I wish I could have been there for you. I would do anything to make sure you were here now." Shinichiro sniffled.

"I want N/n...!" Aoi cried as she buried her face into her dad's chest.

Moving along, Kurai and Homura stepped towards the coffin. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm supposed to be your older brother yet I wasn't there for you to rely on...I'm sorry...!" Homura grit his teeth as tears fell from his eyes.

"Y/n...I'm sorry...I should've kept a closer eye on you...You were hurting, weren't you? Yet I didn't notice and now..." Kurai muttered before bringing a shaky hand to his mouth, choked sobs coming from him as tears flooded his eyes.

Soon, Yuki stepped forward, clasping his hands as he stared at the coffin.

"You were like a sister to me...a best friend...I'll miss you and I promise I won't forget you...It must've been scary, huh? I'm sorry I wasn't there..." Yuki whispered.

Once all family members finished, the rest of the guests were allowed to step forward.

"Hey, Y/n. Who knew that the next time I'd see you it'd be here." Wakasa exhaled.

"I'm gonna miss you. You always made me smile, even if you didn't see it. I was lucky to meet someone like you and I will always remember you." He said.

"You're a wonderful girl, Y/n. We'll forever hold you in our memory and smile at the days we were lucky enough to have with you." Benkei said.

"You were always an eccentric girl, but that's what made you fun to be around. Just like Shin, I watched you grow up and I would never change that because meeting you was something I will never regret." Takeomi said.

Then, Senju and Haruchiyo stepped forward, clasping their hands as they stared at the coffin with teary eyes.

"Y/n...I'm gonna miss you...You'll forever be in my heart..." Senju hiccuped as tears rapidly fell from her eyes.

"If only I could turn back time, I'd do anything to have you here with me. I'm really going to miss you, Y/n...I won't ever forget you, I promise...I'll carry on your wishes and won't let your memory disappear." Haruchiyo sniffled.


"Y/n, you reckless idiot...I'm gonna to miss you, y'know...? I'm glad that I met you at all. I'll never forget the day we became friends. I'll always remember how great a friend you were." Baji shakily whispered as a few sobs escaped his mouth.

"Y/n...I'm really going to miss you...! I wish you were here, but now I can only carry on your memory. I'm happy that you welcomed me with open arms that day we met. You never made me feel left out. You always cared for me and I'm thankful for that." Emma cried.


"I still can't believe you're gone. I guess that's the idiot part of me. But you never made me feel less of a person. You always made things fun and I see you as a younger sister. Thank you for being friends with me." Pah cried.

"Thank you for welcoming me to the gang and thank you for checking up on me whenever you could, even if you didn't have to!" Peh hiccuped.


"I'm happy that I met you, Y/n. Just the sight of you would make me feel happy and you always made sure that I didn't stress myself out with school and house duties. You made me feel like any other teenager. Thank you for everything you did for me." Mitsuya bit his lip as tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry I never had a proper conversation with you...I wish I did because now I can never do that. I loved to hear you laugh and the way you always ask about my day, even if I rarely replied. I'm gonna miss you." Hakkai sniffled.

And everyone else proceeded, one-by-one, crying and giving their farewells to Y/n. There were Hinata, Kisaki, Midori, Tanaka, and other friends from school or Toman.

"Y/n..." Takemichi muttered, stepping forward with Mikey.

"We saved everyone but you...You worked so hard for everyone's happiness and sacrificed yourself for it...I'm sorry I wasn't much help and that I couldn't save you like I had promised myself..." Takemichi continued, choking on his sobs.

"I don't know what to think but I do feel guilty and sad that you're not here. I had made a promise to myself that I'd do anything to protect my friends and family, you were no exception. I hate that I couldn't save you, but as payment, I'll protect everyone for you and won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I'm sorry." Mikey muttered, tears pricking his eyes.

There was now one person left, and it was Izana. He stepped towards the coffin, eyes peering into it at the face of the deceased. He stared at her now dead-like complexion and her features/face that was adorned with flowers around.

"I can't believe I had a second chance. A second chance to save you...but I still failed. I couldn't do anything to help you and now you're here...To make it up to you, not that it means much, I promise to not forget you and I will never let anything or anyone change my feelings for you. You will always hold a special place in my heart and it will forever be yours." Izana whispered.

The image of the smiling girl appeared in his mind, making more tears fall from his eyes as he pressed his hands to his face.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n...If only this time I was able to do something to save you...I'd do anything to have you here alive with me..." Izana muttered as his lip quivered.


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