⚙️Chapter 44⚙️

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Y/n just now realized something upon hearing the front door open and voices disrupting the silence of the house.

"Oh yeah...Mom and dad...I didn't realize that they weren't here this whole time..." She muttered.

The girl felt a bit reluctant and hesitant to greet them and join the others downstairs due to the fact that the last she saw them was when she and the twins had killed them. Talk about awkward.

The door was then thrown open and Homura peeked his head in, his face spotting a huge grin.

"Y/n!" Homura started. "Mom and dad are back! And they brought gifts!"

"Did they?" Y/n slightly chuckled as she walked over to him.

"Hmm. You're usually more excited than this. Don't you want to see mom and dad?" Homura looked at the girl, confused about her unusual behavior.

"I..." Y/n muttered.

"I woke you up, didn't I? Sorry. I was just excited and I figured you'd also be excited to see mom and dad." Homura sent the girl an apologetic look.

Y/n silently stared at him before grinning, "It's fine! Thanks for waking me up. Let's head downstairs."

Homura grinned once more and nodded, pulling the girl along by her hand as they made their way to the loudest room in the house.

"I'm back!" Homura said as he stepped foot into the room and they turned their attention to him.

"Oh my! Y/n, you look just as cute as the last time I saw you!" Akane placed her hands on her cheeks, staring at the girl with adoration as she entered behind Homura.

"I missed you!" Y/n smiled as she went over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her.

'Huh?' Y/n thought as she wore a slightly shocked expression.

'I said that, but I didn't mean to. It came out so...naturally.'

"I missed you too." Akane smiled as she held the girl in her arms.

"Y/n, we know that we didn't return sooner as we had promised you, so we brought gifts for you and your siblings to make up for it." Ankonku spoke as the girl turned her head to look at him.

"It's fine. I'm still happy you came back." Y/n said, resting her face against Akane's chest.

'Is this the original Y/n speaking? Maybe...I can't help but sense the emotions behind every sentence...maybe some of it is also me...' She thought, slightly squinting her eyes and pursing her lips.

"Go ahead and open your gifts!" Akane ushered the kids to do so.

"Let's see! I got..." Homura grinned as he searched his gift bag.

"WOW! YOU GOT ME A GAMEBOY?! THANK YOU!" Homura beamed as he clutched the item in his shaky hands.

"Hmm..." Kurai searched his bag.

He pulled out a box and a hardcover book. Looking at the title of the book, he smiled upon seeing that it was a cookbook he had been trying to get his hands on. Now looking at the box, his smile grew even wider upon seeing that it was a robot, and not only was it a robot, but a collectors item.

"Thanks." He told his parents.

"Oh my!" Hiromi said in awe upon pulling out her gifts.

It was a sewing machine, fabric, and new shoes. She knew that she had hinted at the fact that she had needed more fabric and her sewing machine was being disfuncional, but she didn't know that her parents were actually listening. The fact that they were made her heart swell as she thanked them with a huge smile.

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