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IN TOTAL, you had eight students sitting cramped in your little office. The class rep, the boy with multiple arms, a boy with dark hair, the girl with headphone ears, the boy with the bird head, and two others who caught your eyes the most.
One boy with a large tail swinging behind him, and a girl with long green hair and bangs that fell in front of her face with, from what you could tell at first glance, frog-like features.

There were a couple out of the group that you couldn't figure out what qualified them as mutants. Admittedly, it made you a bit envious, like the boy with dark hair and the class rep.

Oops. It was actually nine students sitting in your office. You accidentally looked over the invisible girl but who could blame you for that.

"My name is Y/n, hero name: Nine. Please just call me Y/n or Pro Hero Y/n if you're a stickler for formalities, I personally am not." You glanced over to the class representative who looked like he was going to choke when you suggested being called by first name.
"You might've already guessed why you're here and not with your class, but if you haven't I'll lay it out for you. You all will become heroes classified under the mutant quirk category. My job is to mentor you and all other mutant-quirked students in any way needed to prepare you for that because as you can see," You pointed up to your cat ears, "I'm a mutant pro hero. While I might not be working with all of you to the same extent, I can give you general advice that other heroes without mutant quirks wouldn't understand."

They all looked at you curiously as you hit them with a lot of information at once. Internally you patted yourself on the back for getting the little speech down so well after many previous tries and slip-ups with a few of the other classes.

"If any of you have any questions for me, feel free to stop by my office anytime or make an appointment with me. I specialize in emotional support, quirk effectiveness, combat training, media management, and more. You all can go back to class now. Except for you two," you pointed at the kid with the tail and the frog girl. "You stay behind, I think we have more to talk about."

"I'll tell Mr. Aizawa of their whereabouts," the high-strung class rep reported to you, you thanked him. Now alone with the two young heroes you felt most akin to, you knew you had to forge a connection with them if they were going to ever come to you for mentorship.

"If anything, I think you two will get the most out of my mentoring. You can introduce yourselves if you're comfortable."

"My name is Ojiro Mashirao, my quirk is Tail."

"I can see that," you said curiously and stood up from your chair to get a better look.

"Yours is a lot bigger than mine, but same appendage. I can teach you how to use yours more effectively and move around more swiftly." You turned to the side to show your swishing grey tail. The two of them let out soft gasps. Ojiro, in particular, wasn't expecting it.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now