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You could've sworn you lost at least two when your eyes caught Aizawa's. When he witnessed the secret you had held onto like an old family recipe. A soul who didn't already know wasn't supposed to get in on the secret.

You slammed into him, pressing him against the dirty brick wall with all your feral strength. A hand of yours so ferocious it seemed foreign slapped over his mouth. Claws threatened to dig into his skin with every weary breath you took.

Irritated e/c eyes trembled helplessly beneath your angled brows. "What am I supposed to do? I can't kill him. He can't know this, though. Nobody can. What do I do?"

Your tunnel vision cleared at the sight of your needle-like nails pressed against his pale cheek, threatening to draw blood. You loosened your hold and looked back into his eyes that burrowed crimson lasers into your soul. Not an ounce of him seemed genuinely afraid, though. It was your frantic legs and teary eyes that told him a story your other actions weren't.

You took a moment to rethink your plan.

The left heel of yours turned. The back of your thigh bumped into your pinned-down tail.


Karma was probably in order as he took control given your unguarded opportunity. He slammed your back against the wall, but masterfully he put a hand behind your head so you didn't hit your skull against the brick. His cloth scarf wrapped around your body and arms before tightening. Veins in his hands and forearms bulged under his unrelenting grip. You weren't going anywhere.

You squirmed and fought weakly, muscles going limp as he breathed down on you deeply. It was over, you knew that.

"What do you think you're doing?" he grunted and pulled the cloth harder.

It was too late by the time your brain made up its mind to run. Far too late. In your defense, all you were handed were bad options. You logically shouldn't have tried to run, and going through with fighting would've made it all worse. Who were you to think you could stay on your feet with Eraser? He proved too many times you simply couldn't.

"Well? Say something," he demanded.

Truthfully, fear had already smothered you stiff and left you with one instinctual choice as your tail budged between your legs. You didn't want it to come to that but you were out of options.


"Please don't tell anyone, Aizawa, I'm so sorry just please," you searched his eyes for hope. "You can't say anything about this."

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now