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THE SCORPION HYBRID, Ryo Issei, stuck out like a sore thumb with cold beady eyes and tattoos crawling up his neck. His black hair was slicked with a copious amount of gel. From far away you noticed a large healing cut above his eyebrow. Normally, his appearance would've warded off civilians but that wasn't the case with the accepting members of the Heteromorph Legacy Society. Besides, everyone shared another priority.

It was Tuesday, the 26th of December, and Selection Day for anybody hoping to nab a spot on the Unity Retreat. Dozens waited in a loose line before the scorpion man holding a clipboard. Sitting behind a wobbly fold-out table, Issei decided who went on the retreat.

Those lucky enough to be accepted were given a slip of paper. For the many deemed ineligible, he simply shook his head dismissing them from the line.

When the rejected members' disappointment grew aggressive, Issei didn't hesitate to threaten with his tail, the only visible hybrid appendage he had. It was nearly as large as him, segmented and hairy. The most startling part was that he didn't have a blocker on the tip of his stinger. Legally, he was supposed to wear them in public—All venomous hybrids were supposed to. But the 'rules' were different, more liberal, at the meetings.

You and Sayako stood towards the back of the line. She wasn't happy when she realized how big the line had gotten by the time you arrived, but her mood lifted with every member met with a silent 'no' by Issei.

"I heard the last retreat was, like, life-changing!" she squealed.

You refrained from cocking an eyebrow at her. Meditation, indoctrination, and group talks could only get a person so far at a three-day retreat. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, though. Like a free getaway.

"I'll keep my expectations humble," you told her.

"At least get excited! Imagine we actually get to go together."

The idea didn't thrill you exactly, but you did the math: If five members from each branch went, that meant you'd have fifteen new faces to investigate regarding the Ferine epidemic. Any information would feel heaven-sent and at least one person had to know something. You'd lose it if it was another dead end.

You had another small concern about the retreat, this one you voiced out. "Do you know what time we'd be back? I have plans."

Sayako hummed, unsure. "I'll ask him when we get up there."

As the line grew smaller, an herbivore watching from the side scoffed and shouted, "He's only picking carnivores! This is so fucking rigged."

"Two spots left!" another called out as Issei handed a folded paper to a crocodile hybrid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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