( XII )

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THAT UNBREAKING EXPRESSION of his was difficult to read. The man was like a shadow of mystery, though perhaps it was just his dark look that added to the vibe. The dark circles that never seemed to go away contrasted with his pale skin. Reddened eyes caught attention, sometimes covered by his pure black hair. Those piercing obsidian irises that never revealed a single thing, frustratingly so at times like the one you were in. It was to the point you were struggling to relax, even nestled around your favorite blankets.

Aizawa came back after a bit with a steaming bowl of soup and walked over to put it on your nightstand. You thanked him and looked at the coffee in his other hand.


"Always. Did you want some too?"

"No, no, that's alright," you shook your head. "Do you like the coffee?" you looked up at him, eyes shining patiently for a reaction of approval.

"It's good," he said after a sip, "I hope you know you're not going to work tomorrow. You need to take the day off."

Your face dropped to a frown after a cough, "Seriously?"

"Seriously. Learn to take care of yourself while you're at it." He wasn't giving you an option and he wasn't going to argue with you on it, despite your immediate reaction to do so.

You didn't hide your tone as you mumbled bitterly, "They'll kick me off the mission for sure. Who's going to take my spot then?"

He sighed and shrugged. Of course, he didn't know your replacement, you were just giving him a hard time for making you do the responsible thing and step down. You scoffed, irked by the situation.

To him, it was comically amusing how you behaved, most other heroes even found him too intimidating to act certain ways around. You almost reminded him of some of his students with the way you stubbornly held onto opportunities as if they were your last. Not to mention the way you spoke back to him.

Aizawa was not willing to put up with your bratty behavior much longer if you kept it up like that. Though, he was willing to give you another shot.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" he asked, eyes pointed to the end of your bed. You were hesitant but nodded. "Can you explain something to me, Y/n?"


He sat with his legs spread wide so he could hunch his tall figure over, calloused hands rested between his knees. The coffee mug held firmly by a single thick finger.

"Why do you care if they replace you on the mission more than your health?" his deep voice softened as he asked. "What's that about?"

You looked down at your bed sheets, making a point out of avoiding eye contact. You hated explaining your humiliating hero status: small and insignificant with big ambitions, but where was that getting you? Not the easiest to explain when talking to such an important underground hero.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now