( XV )

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THE CLUB WAS mostly empty, in fact, only the bar section was open. That's what you got for showing up at ten thirty. Midnight sat at her own round table near the bar with Mic to her right and a couple of condensating drinks in front of her.

"I didn't know you were already here! Sorry to keep you waiting," you said, sneaking up on the seductive hero. She wore thigh-high black heels, black shorts, and a long sleeve corset top that showed off her collarbones and cleavage.

She cooed, "Well, don't you look like a little minx. You're making me proud, Y/n."

"Told ya!" Rumi barked out loudly before Mic greeted her. She quickly took a liking to his unapologetically big personality. They chatted while Midnight kept her icy gaze on you paired with a sly smile, "And you acted like this look was behind you."

You kept your tail stiff as you laughed off her comment and said, "How do you like this place?"

She was gentle about her disappointment with the establishment. "It's definitely cute," she waved her finger and took another glance at her surroundings. A few small-named heroes sat together at another table, a man unsuccessfully hit on a woman by the bar, a couple flirted at a standing table with drinks in their hands. The bartender shoveled ice occasionally but otherwise, the rest of the building was completely dull with the hum of early night's melody. In terms of Nemuri's idea of a fun night out, it was far below her standards the way it stood.

It felt even more empty with the dim lighting and the sight of a random straggler prowling around aimlessly, though Rumi promised, "It'll pick up by midnight. Dance floor opens up around then too."

"So, we've got like an hour before then?" you checked your phone.

"This guy will keep us company!" The dark-haired woman grabbed Hizashi by his shoulder roughly, a light beer in her left hand sloshed as liquid as her tits.

"Do y'all want something to drink?" Hizashi asked, his voice strained before Nemuri got off him with a laugh. He fixed his blonde bun and smoothed out his black denim jacket.

You smiled, "No, no, that's okay, me and Mirko drank a little before we got here."

The rabbit hero teased, "Yeah~ if she doesn't slow down she'll be wasted before twelve."

"Oh?" He was interested in the sound of that. You? A lightweight? Not that he hadn't expected it, but Aizawa was pretty much the opposite. Isn't that cute, he thought.

"Sadly, she's not wrong," you admitted.

"I guess we'll have to watch over you until we go back," Nemuri winked at you. The song changed and another group came in and ordered drinks. The low-key atmosphere was something you could appreciate if you were being honest, lame as it sounded.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now