( XXII )

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[ NOTE ; wake up y'all ! we've got the holy trinity today: a bit of smut, a touch of angst, and fluff !
you're getting fed 20k words : eat up ]


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NOT EVEN A full minute had passed when Shouta's phone buzzed, thankfully not on the side you were laid up against. Resting eyes burned with a dull sting as he glanced over briefly to find you still fast asleep on his shoulder. "Good," he thought, relieved.

Vibrations he could feel against his arm as you purred quietly underneath the harsh light of the train. The lighting was cheap and industrial, yet you managed to look pretty as ever with serenity graced on your features and your grey fur shiny as it reflected some of the brightness. He'd take a bet that your fur was silky smooth, it looked well taken care of.

Shouta finally looked elsewhere and reached into his pocket before looking down at the notification. Noticing the sender, and unsurprised, he clicked on it right away.

[3 Images Attached]
You're welcome, Prince Charming ;)

Unamused, Shouta's lips pursed into a straight line at the childish jest before he inevitably went through the pictures.

The first one caught him awkwardly looking down at both your hand and his as you napped on him naturally, comfortable as though you had done it a dozen times before. In the picture, he was in the middle of comparing the sizes of your hands and the different scars you both carried on your skin.

You wouldn't be able to tell he was doing that if you didn't know what was going through his head, but he knew and that was enough to make him feel like a fool. And on camera no less, how embarrassing. Still, he couldn't help his curiosity which made him swipe to the second picture.

Ugh, that one was just as bad, he grimaced. Maybe even worse. He was glaring at Hizashi near the camera with his usual annoyed expression as you slept undisturbed. At least you looked at peace, Shouta couldn't say the same for himself.

He wasn't a fan of the camera, and despite how many times his friends tried telling him he was photogenic, he did not see it and didn't care to be persuaded.

His stubble had grown out a bit more than usual, he couldn't help but notice the longer he looked. That was plenty of a reminder as to why he didn't care for photos.

Then he swiped for the third one.

Again, Shouta hated pictures with himself in them, but this one whispered to him gently. He couldn't even pretend that he didn't like it, couldn't act like he wasn't aware that it was something special to him.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now