( XIV )

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YOU WERE NO SAINT, but you were at least above messing around with another woman's husband. Even if the man in question was one of the finest heroes you knew. Even when he leaned in close enough to make your cheeks burst into heat like a spreading wildfire. The blanket of night would hide your expression if it could only shield from the glare of his obsidian irises.

He left modest light years in between you and yet, that feeling was still elicited. The one that had you burning up like a star. You forced a breath. He took a breath too, like he was thinking as hard as you were.

Perhaps you were reading into the scene with a blurred lens. Now that you knew you felt something for him, it was a possibility, you recognized. Getting blinded by the allure of his cologne or his mature charm. How could he possibly feel the same pull toward you? Or even think of treating you with a kiss? The shine of faraway suns mirrored in his slow gaze must've been fooling you.

You must've misunderstood his manner along the way because it even sounded ridiculous in your head; a respectable man like him considering a mutant. And for what reason would he do such a thing?


Almost as funny as the Smile Hero herself. Comedic pyrite.

Whatever the case was, the act of being near him seemed immoral at that point. Joke's unforgettable pearly whites plastered themselves in front of your imagination. It replaced the short-lived reveries of Aizawa with bitterness.

She had a luster to her that you lacked sight of in yourself. You could go on about that for hours.

You mumbled a jumbled mess of something like, "I should go."

It was rare, but you were the one to look away first. E/c darted to the floor while constellations still projected in his eyes. It was a view you'd have to miss.

Aizawa clenched his jaw and looked out the window to find your reflection leaving. When he focused on himself, he saw his tired expression. The same one as ever.

You pulled the door open without any problem and found only Hizashi sitting next to the doorway slumped over. A few long golden strands of his followed the laws of gravity for once. You hadn't seen it on him before, you were beginning to think it was impossible. It framed his face while the rest stubbornly stayed up in the air like usual.

Nemuri on the other hand wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Bye, Zashi!" you rushed out as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes for a minute and you were already off in the distance, almost like you were running away. But he was confident that the Y/n cat he knew was better than that. Something definitely happened. Maybe a misstep somewhere along the way.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now