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LIFE AS A CAT HERO made difficulties out of everyday activities that other people could do with ease. Not physically difficult, but still... difficult.

Take for example: Going on a walk. Easy, right?

If you, like many others, naively thought, "Sure, why not?" you'd be proven painfully wrong.

You used to have that mindset that people would mind their own business, not be an inconsiderate piece of shit in public. Unfortunately, the real world proved you wrong.

The real world where strangers dared each other to go up and yank on your tail before asking, "Is it real?" then laughing with each other when you whipped around unamused and visibly upset. As if you weren't even human.

And don't forget the cherry on top: Whispering distasteful comments about mutant-quirked people, just loud enough for you to hear. As if they wanted a reaction.

"Mutants aren't my type, but I guess this one's pretty cute."

"Yeah, I mean she's hardly a mutant, just a real-life catgirl."

You had to ask yourself, "Is this shit really happening?"

Your sharp nails dug into the palms of your hands. "God tests me every day. Maybe I should've been a villain instead." You took a deep breath. Held in that breath, then slowly let it out.
The people around you that actually knew you would describe you as pretty mild-mannered, only feisty at times. Yet it seems that the minor times you're feisty become the most memorable, especially to the media.

You couldn't do simple things like go out for walks in the bright mornings. You couldn't even react to the harassment without falling into the painted narrative. That pissed you off, feeling like you ran into cage bars no matter what you did. It wasn't fair, none of it was.

Fuck it.

"You know what—" Just as you started, you were cut off by a drizzle of red feathers from the sky and the harsh wind from a familiar beat of powerful wings.

"Is that Hawks!?" "Oh my God, it's Hawks!" Civilians gasped excitedly and ran over to see what he was doing in the area.

"In the flesh. Just passin' by." He smiled charismatically as he always did in front of crowds. He had to enjoy all the attention, you thought. You probably would too if your crowds treated you the same way they treated him. When the camera shutters quieted, he pulled away from the crowd and approached you for a word.

"You've kept yourself out of big scandals for a couple months now. How's that been going for ya?" he whispered and smiled wider knowing that he just saved your ass from another bad news piece you didn't need.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now