( XXIV )

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RUMI'S NOSE TWITCHED, her soft white rabbit ears perked up with the sudden sense that something needed her attention. It was like a survival instinct, she always got those thanks to her quirk. She liked it, it made her a powerful opponent and an equally impressive pro hero.

What was it that rustled her instincts though?

She waited for another cue, still unable to pinpoint whether it was a battle or a threat she sensed. Her ears swiveled around for something to focus on, she took a deep breath in searching for another energy fluctuation to prove her intuition right, but nothing.

Empty-handed, she frowned and turned her attention back to the MMA World Championship highlights she was watching on the old grainy television in her living room. That was moments before her phone went off, the kitten meowing ringtone she had specifically for message notifications from you.

i hope this next
breath is my last

gimme the context first
don't be rude

girl help
text me
nonono call me

"What's going on?" Rumi asked, now off the couch and pacing around after you missed her first call. While she was quiet, waiting for you to say something, it sounded like you were almost crying on the other end. It didn't take much longer for her to assess the situation—both of you knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

She gained a vague picture after that, only surprised that your heat didn't sneak up earlier. "You were taking those suppressants, weren't you?"

"Yeah..." you admitted, curled up and holding your phone to your ear with both hands shaking.

"Damnit," she sighed. "How many?"

"A lot—It hurts, Rumi, I hate it so much," you whispered borderline hysterically. You had to have been aware that she could hear all of your writhing through the phone so she stifled a commiserating sigh as you continued.

"I-It just started and I'm already losing my fucking mind. I can't do this," your breath shuddered. "And Shouta, it got really bad when I saw him. It was so—" you stuttered trying to think of a replacement for the string of curses on the tip of your tongue. Instead, you finished with a defeated, "so fucking embarrassing."

"It's so weird hearing you call him 'Shouta.'" She stuck out her tongue and wrinkled her nose for a silent gag. "Anyways, listen, if it was really that bad you wouldn't be talking, so, it can't be too terrible yet."

Even so, that didn't make the ache any less demanding—she could recognize that without you having to say it.

"Yeah, yeah," Rumi waved boredly. Even without a proper response and only a dramatic groan for complaint, she felt like she could read your mind. "Anyway, why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be having fun doing heat stuff? Sex drive's gotta be crazy at this point," she snickered knowingly.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now