( XIII )

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YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN the one going on that mission and receiving good publicity for once. You should've been the one getting paid well in both praise and money. You should've gotten the chance to prove that you were more than a wreck of failed hero attempts.

It should've been you.

Instead, you were diverging paths with Aizawa as he went to carry out the mission with stupidly perfect Ms. Joke. Meanwhile, you got stuck with regular old night patrol.
Something about that fact was infuriating.

If you trusted anything about yourself, you knew catgirl feistiness was bound to make an appearance. It boiled in you the entire week, the whole time you maintained complete composure. Perhaps a bit stiff, but it wasn't anything to stop and stare at.

At least not the way Aizawa was observing you. The tense of his solid jawline littered with stubble, the slight squint to his black metal-like eyes. Cold and steely as the elevator doors.

"You're in your hero suit," he said plainly as it started going down. An irritating beep after each floor passed.

"I'm so glad your eyes work, Eraser," you said, each word dripped with sarcasm.

He raised his brow at you. It was an odd tone from you that even you weren't sure entirely what to make of. It wasn't like you to act that way, least not with him.

Maybe you were just having a bad day, he rationalized. He knew well how exhausting the teacher-hero life was but when you looked at him glaringly with charcoaled disdain in your eyes, he realized it was no innocent slip of tongue.

Aizawa didn't have the patience or time to stop and ask if this sudden attitude had anything to do with your seeming disappearance the past week. Not that it mattered to him.

It didn't.

In any case, he wasn't opposed to the opportunity to deal with that bittersweet bite you had to your personality. He had probably been too soft with you previously, he thought.

Even with this newfound sarcasm, you were bound to lose to his notoriously shitty attitude. Bratty cat-like behavior against Aizawa? He'd dominate every time. The man did this for a living.

"My capture weapon still works too." White cloth darted across the room to your side at an inhuman speed. He knotted his scarf around the steel handrail next to you and pulled it taut. It was impossible to not seem engrossed by the mere inches it was from you.

A humored breath fell from you silently despite the pounding of your heart. "You missed."

Aizawa's gaze didn't budge from you before his tone dipped, "If there's something you need to say, spit it out."

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 | 𝐬. 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now