unexpected visit

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y/n's point of view

finally, i told myself, i had finally made it to the weasley home. me, hermione and ginny decided to suprise everyone with me coming to visit for the remainder of the summer. Molly  was aware of this idea and said that it would be a great idea. however, all i could think about was fred.

my fred.
or atleast i wish he was mine. but he wasn't.

fred was my first friend ever. he's my best friend and he means so much to me. i always found him attractive, but i mean look at him. he is so handsome, he could never like me like that. me and fred always would joke around with each other by flirting and it always made me fall more and more in love with him. but we are just platonic friends... right?
i get cut off from my thoughts by molly opening the front door.
"hello sweetie, its so good to see you, its been too long, come on in," she said to me, hugging me as i walk inside, "the boys are still asleep, so if you want you can go and wake them and suprise them that way." before get the chance to respond ginny and hermione hug me tightly, to the point where it's difficult to breath. they let go and we all just catch up.
a few moments later i decide to go wake up the boys. hermione offered to go wake up harry and ron and so as she goes to awake them, i go to see the twins. i walk into the room and see fred. hes fast asleep, he looks so adorable and peaceful. i sit down on his bed and admire him for a few seconds. then i notice something at his night stand. a letter. my letter, framed sitting in his night stand. the letter i gave him in first year, asking him if he wants to be friends, with his responce reading
of course, y/n!
i cant believe he kept that. suddenly i feel
someone hugging me from behind.


"hello darling, what are you doing here?"
i barely focus on his words, as i feel his head rest on my shoulder, butterflies growing in my stomach. i then notice he isnt wearing a shirt and i turn red.
"hi freddie, i missed you." i say turning toward him hugging him, my head laying on his chest. he doesnt respond, instead he just hugs me tighter, slowly bringing his hands down to my waist.
why cant he just kiss me already?
we stay hugging for a few moments until he says, " i missed you too darling, but you have yet to answer my question, why are you here? are you staying? please tell me your staying!" he says, giving a big smile that i love.
"im staying here, freddie." i tell him and i see his smile grow bigger. he looks so happy. i gaze into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, as we make eye contact. i cant stop myself from blushing. i see his eyes look at my lips then back into my eyes. he leans in.
"ugh, get a room," i hear george say dramatically, throwing a pillow towards me and fred.
"hi george," i say. he then comes over to me and gives me a small hug.
"well we should go downstairs, breakfast is probably ready," i say. george leaves and as im on my way out of the room, fred grabs my wrist.
"wait," he says. i turn around to see a handsome, tall, red-headed freddie. he looks at me and hugs me tightly. "i really really missed you, darling."


i love when he calls me darling, i feel so loved and warm inside, i love him so much.
"i missed you too, freddie," i say in responce. his hands on my waist, bringing me closer to him. i just wanna kiss him so badly. after a few minutes, he lets go. its always sad when he stops hugging me, i wish our hugs could last forever.


after breakfast we all sit on the couch, catching up with one another. im sitting in between fred and ginny. im not sure how, but the topic of crushes and dating comes up.
" i honestly think ginny and harry would be the cutest couple," i say, aware of ginny's huge crush on harry. "i agree'" says hermione. soon the whole room agrees, other than harry and ginny, who make eye contact with one another, blushing.
"you know what ive noticed?" george asks everyone in the room.
"what?" asks harry, curiously.
"all of you guys are gonna be related to me, like ten years from now."george responds.
"what do you mean by that?" i ask.
"i mean, ginny and harry will be together, making me related to harry and ron and hermione will obviously marry, making me related to hermione."
"what about me?" i ask. for some reason i hope he says me and freddie will be together.
"you and fred, of course!" he says.
"what?" fred says, laughing, "me and y/n, we're just friends."
we're just friends.
those three words stabbed me in the heart.
"everyone raise your hand if you think fred and y/n would be a cute couple" says george, raising his hand.
me and fred are left in silence as everyone in the room raises there hand. i honestly wanted to raise my hand too.
"oh and also," george says, " you too were literally all over each, this morning, and everyone knows it."
i guess it was true. when we all woke up me and freddie were hugging and during breakfast i sat beside him, and he had one of his hands on my thigh, and just as we were sitting on the couch, fred had his hand around my waist. but we always did those things. and we are just friends. that all was platonic... right?
fred responds, "we werent all over each other."
"your saying that as you have your hand on y/n's waist." ron says calmly.
"we always do that and we're just friends, isnt that right, y/n?"
that broke my heart. he just wants us to be friends, doesnt he?

freds point of view

"we always do that and we're just friends, isn't that right, y/n?"
that hurt me. i didnt want to be "just friends"

hii! hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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