common room

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i hope you all enjoy this confession chapter! <333
y/ns first kiss fksnnd its pretty ironic (iykyk)
anyways on with the chapter :)

y/n's point of view
we had finally made it to hogwarts - my second home. i missed it so much. we had found out that their would be a triwizard tournament and there was an age restriction. people seemed to be mad about the age restriction, like george and fred, but i was actually happy about it. people could die. i knew that if there wasnt an age restriction fred would definitely do it. and knowing him he would definitely get hurt, and i just couldnt let that happen. i loved him. i didnt want to see him get hurt.

but i know fred and george. there gonna try to find a way to get in.


3:20 PM
we had settled in our dorms and i was told to meet up with george and fred at the astronomy tower at 4:15 PM, which is about an hour from now, so til then, me, ginny, and hermione were in the library.

im trying to reach a book on a shelf high above me, as im on my tippy toes i see someones hand grab the very book i was trying to get.

please be fred. please be fred. please be fred.



ugh.. why him???

"seemed like you were having a bit of trouble there, darling." cedric says to me, handing me the book i was reaching for.

"yeah, a little bit." i tell him, trying to look around to find ginny and hermione without him noticing, hoping for them to interfere, only to be disappointed by hermione and ginny looking at me with a "oooo~" look.

"so, i was wondering if you would like to go on a second date with me..." cedric says, trying to seem confident, when obviously showing nervousness.

i didnt want to just turn him down. that would be so mean, and by this point so many people had started crowded around us, i couldnt possibly embarrass him infront of all his friends, my friends, and just random people that i didnt even know go here.

i have to say yes. even if i dont want to.

"of course, cedric! i would love to!" i tell him with a smile that doesnt at all want to be there.

"great!" he says with a big smile.

at least he's happy.

"well uhm... i have to go. but ill see you soon, darling." he walks away with his friends in a very happy deamenor.

a look over to see none other than fred weasley.

he most of seen the entire thing, because he had a look on his face. i couldnt tell what kind of emotion he was trying to show in his face, but i knew one thing for sure. it wasnt a happy one.

the library had cleared out of people by now and fred had ran away. i chased after him into the hufflepuff common room, where i saw him siting on the couch... crying.


fred's point of view
"of course, cedric! i would love to!" y/n tells cedric with a smile on her face.

she said yes to him..

she really does like him..

"great!" cedric says with a big smile.

"well uhm... i have to go. but ill see you soon, darling." he walks away with his friends in a very happy deamenor.

y/n looks over and sees me. her face fades, as if she had just seen a ghost.

i feel the tears fall from my eyes.

the library had cleared out of people by now and i had ran away. she chased after me into the hufflepuff common room, where she saw me siting on the couch... crying.


"what do you want, y/n?" i ask her, my chest being in contact with my knees, my hands wrapped around them.

she walks over to sit beside me.

"freddie.." she says showing pure emotion on her face, putting one of her hands on my shoulder, attenpting to comfort me.

"dont you freddie me, y/n." shoving her hand off my shoulder, facing her i say, "you know what you did."

"what did i do fred? i didnt do anything wrong? why are you so mad about nothing." her face starts showing anger, a emotion i didnt usually see her in.

nothing? she thought she did nothing wrong?

"you did everything wrong - going out with that motherfvcker, cedric - barely ever talking to me anymore - do you even still care about me?" i stand up from off the couch. she follows.

"still care about you? fred, i have always cared about you, what would make you think i dont care about you?"

"your going on another date with cedric! cedric of all people! i think i would rather you date my own brother." at this point, we're practically inches away from one another.

"why would you care who i date!? its not like you like me that way anyhow!" she brings herself closer to me.

"y/n, i love you!"

she kisses me.

she kisses me.

y/n's point of view
"dont you freddie me, y/n." shoving my hand off his shoulder, facing me finally, he says, "you know what you did."

"what did i do fred? i didnt do anything wrong? why are you so mad about nothing."

did i do something wrong? what could i possibly have done wrong?

"you did everything wrong - going out with that motherfvcker, cedric - barely ever talking to me anymore - do you even still care about me?" he stands up from off the couch. i follow.

"still care about you? fred, i have always cared about you, what would make you think i dont care about you?"

"your going on another date with cedric! cedric of all people! i think i would rather you date my own brother." at this point, we're practically inches away from one another.

"why would you care who i date!? its not like you like me that way anyhow!" i bring myself closer to him.

"y/n, i love you!"

i kiss him. i kiss him and i dont know why, but i do. he kisses back.

he kisses back.

still our lips make contact as we fall back onto the couch, me now being ontop of him. one of his hands rests on my waist, his other cupping my cheek.

we pull away from each other. "why were we fighting again?" "i dont know." he says, pulling me back into a longer, more passionate, sweet, soft kiss.

everything feels perfect.

a little too perfect...

is there something im forgetting..

oh shit

hello you simps lol
i think this is my longest chapter ever
with like 1140+ words✋😩
anyways this was kind of angsty so i hope yall enjoyed it!
bye luvs! :)

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