train ride

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fred's point of view

we sat in down with george, hermione, ginny, ron, and harry and y/n as it arleady begins to get crowded with just me, ron, and george in the compartment. everyone gets a place to sit, expect y/n.

"ill just go sit somewhere else since theirs not a lot of room for me." y/n tells us making her way out.

i couldnt let that happen. cedric would probably find her and offer a seat with him and then they'll spend time together. that wont happen i wont let it happen.

"no y/n, we can squeeze you in, right guys?" i announce.

george must know what im trying to do, because he adds, "yeah you can just sit on freddies lap, y/n!"

"uhm... i dont think fred would be comfortable with that" she says in response.

"no, im fine with it. as long as it means you can sit with us." i convey.

"oh- okay." she says reluctantly.

y/n's point of view
"ill just go sit somewhere else since theirs not a lot of room for me." i tell them making my way out.

"no y/n, we can squeeze you in, right guys?" fred announces.

"yeah you can just sit on freddies lap,
y/n!" george adds.

"uhm... i dont think fred would be comfortable with that" i say in response.

"no, im fine with it. as long as it means you can sit with us." fred conveys.

"oh- okay." i say reluctantly, walking towards freddie.

i sit down on his lap and feel his hands slither around my waist, hugging me from behind, tightly. it reminded me of when i went to go visit him for the summer.


suddenly i feel someone hugging me from behind.


"hello darling, what are you doing here?"
i barely focus on his words, as i feel his head rest on my shoulder, butterflies growing in my stomach.

end of flashback

i loved fred, and i dont know why i was trying so badly to get over him and try to fall for cedric when i obviously didnt like him that way. i liked fred. and that wasnt going to change.

everyones having a conversation with each other and me and fred are sitting there, whispering little things into each others ears like "im excited to go back to hogwarts" and "im so excited to see everyone" and other things like that.

i heard fred mumble something, but i struggled to hear what he said.

fred's point of view
"i really like you, y/n" i mumble under my breath to y/n's neck.

i didnt want her to hear, so it doesnt make sense i why i said it. at the same time i wanted to hear. but i just couldnt bring myself to actually tell her.

maybe one day.


we were almost at hogwarts so everyone had to get into their robes. everyone had begin to leave, expect for me and y/n, as i was holding her tightly to me, not letting her go.

"freddie, i have to go get into my robes." she reminds me.

"i know. but i just... wanna sit with you for a little while longer." i declare.

"fine, but just for a few more minutes." she vocalizes.

"mhm" i mutter into her neck.

i enjoyed her being there sitting atop of me, her warmth and beautiful scent of jasmine bringing itself to me.

i loved her.

"freddie, its been ten minutes, i have to go change." her remark reminding me that we will most likely make it to hogwarts in less than five minutes.

"finnneeeee" i say finally letting go of her, unfortunately.

i wanted to hold her for forever.

y/n's point of view
"finnneeeee" he says finally letting go of me.

i enjoyed having him holding me like this, but it had to end eventually.

i get up from ontop of him and walk out. thats when i bump into someone.


"hello beautiful," he says to me.

"hi cedric," i say putting a smile on my face.

"are you glad to be back at hogwarts?"

"yeah.... im really excited!" i tell him trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "well uhm.. i really got to get going, cedric."

"ill see you soon then?" he asks, questiongly.

"yeah.... of course." i lie. i didnt want to see him again.

hello :)
heres another chapter for you guys
hope you have an amazing rest of your day/afternoon/night!
bye luvs! <333

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