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y/n's point of view

after dinner it seemed that everyone had forgotten about the conversation about the love note.

i didn't.

its all i could think about.

he liked hermione. i mean hermione was a very beautiful girl but why hermione? why not me? ron likes hermione, and he likes hermione. does ron now about freds crush? why couldn't he just like me? why is it always me who cant get someone to care about them? why?

i had to talk to him. i had to talk to fred and tell him that i know about his secret crush. i has to try in convince him to not say anything, as it could jeopardize his friendship with both ron and hermione. i had to talk to him alone about this.

but that had to wait for another day. it was late and i had to go to sleep. tomorrow will be a big day.

the next day

today we were going to the quidditch world cup. i was excited, but that was really the last thing on my mind. i was just so confused about fred and hermione. fred liked hermione. he didnt like me.

we were walking... somewhere. i wasnt quite sure. i had already gotten tired from walking and we were probably only outside for five minutes.

"struggling there, darling?" fred asks me, fully aware of my struggling.

"a little bit. but ill be fine." i say in response.

"you sure? i can carry you if you want."

i wanted him to carry me, my legs felt like they were breaking and from any sudden movement they could shatter in pieces. but i didnt really want freds help. i didnt really wanna talk to him or be near him in general. i was just so mad about the whole fred likes hermione thing.

"im sure."

"Arthur! Its about time son." says a man, walking towards us.

"sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." says Mr. Weasley, soon standing beside the man. "This is Amos Diggory everyone. Works with me, at the Ministry." A rather tall boy sinply appeared right beside Mr. Diggory. "This strapping young lad must be Cedric, am i right?" Mr. Weasley asks him, shaking his hand.


What an interesting name.

"Yes sir." Cedric replied. Cedric soon turned his attention to me. He looked at me, a soft smile glued to his face. He winked at me.

He seems very bold.

He walks to me, Fred, and Georges direction.

"Hello M'lady. What, may i ask, is your name?" he askes me, taking ahold of my hand, kissing it.

I dont know if i should consider this as charming or pathetic.

" Im Y/n. Nice to meet you."

"Its a pleasure to meet you as well." he says to me, not escaping from the eye contact.

I feel someones eyes on me, but i ignore it.

we all gather around a... boot? im not really sure whats going on, but i ultimately go along with it.

"Three!" Amos says, and we all suddenly float in the air.


Strange. But cool.

(another time skip cuz im lazy, sorry lol)

we all enter a small tent, which suddenly triples inside once entering it. i place my bags down and go to speak with ginny and hermione.

"sooo... y/n...." ginny says, "cedric, huh? hes cute isnt he?"

"uhh.. i guess?"

"come onnn! i saw you! he definitely fancies you. he couldnt get his eyes off of you the enitre time! you should make a move!" ginny continues.

"Ginny!" hermione nudges ginny. "Y/n likes fred! Plus she looked pretty uncomfortable whenever he kissed her. He should've asked or something!"

"I dont like fred!" i say a little too loud.

hopefully fred didnt hear that.

hermione gives me a look. a "you know you like him" look.

"okay fine, i like fred a little bit! but he obviously doesnt like me. did you even see that love letter? he likes someone else."

"Oh my god, how oblivious can you be?" ginny begins to rant. "i saw you tearing up when you read that letter and he saw it too. his face went blank when he saw you. you could see that he hated seeing you cry. he likes you! cedric likes you too! you have two great guys falling head over heels in love with you! you're in a protagonist situation right now! give cedric a chance and if hes not your cup of tea then stick with fred!"

maybe i should give cedric a chance. i mean he seems nice.

hope you enjoyed this chapter!
have a great day!
bye loves! <333

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