date to the dance

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so like fastfoward Miss McGonagall tells everyone about the yule ball and all that
y/n's point of view
i was extremely excited about the yule ball, already having an idea for what i'd wear, what makeup look i'd do and even the idea of wearing combat boots under my dress since no one would notice anyways.

i was on my way to the main hall for breakfast, when i had bumped into someone.

well two people.

two twins.

fred and george.

"heyyy y/n." fred articulates, winking at me. "hii" george chimes in, feeling left out, a sense of loneliness it could be.

"hello boys," i say, making sure to wink at fred in return, "what are you two up to?"

"looking for you actually.. fred has something to ask you." george looks at his other self, who was looking down at the ground.

"uhm..." fred looks at me, making eye contact. "would you uhm.... go to the yule ball with me?" he asks.

"of course, fred!" i smile, hugging him tightly, him hugging back after a few moments of processing my response.

"i knew you'd say yes! see fred there was nothing to be afraid of." george pats fred on his shoulder. "well ill leave you two lovebirds alone now. have a good breakfast." george walks away, waving.

"just wait til he finds out we're actually a couple." fred responds to my claim with, "yeah! he'll go crazy!"

i laugh into his chest, fred tightening his grip on my waist. "well we should get to breakfast."


after all classes

i make my way to the greenhouse, as i was supposed to meet neville there. he was amazing at herbology and i didnt know anything about it, so he was tutoring me. i always thought herbology was an interesting class, i could never bring myself to learn anything from it.

but it seems like i cant do anything away from fred without cedric being near.

"hello y/n!" cedric says happily, startling me a bit from his sudden tone of content.

"hello cedric." i say, bring my eyes to the grass, not at all wanting to make eye contact, as making eye contact with him always made me uncomfortable.

"so uh, ive been meaning to ask you..." i look at the corner of eye, not seeing anyone else around thank god for that.
"do you maybe... want to.. be my date to the yule ball?"

i didnt want to be mean, but there was no way that i was going to go with both him and fred. there was no way that i was going to say yes to cedric.

"cedric..... i would love to go with you..." i see his face light up, making me feel more guilty for what i was going to say next. "but i already have a date..... its a friend thing......" i felt bad lying to him, but i felt it would be better to lie, then tell him the hurtful truth. " i dont want to let them down you know."

"oh." the color in his face has already faded completely by now. "well could you atleast save me a dance?"

the least i could do was save him one little dance. "sure...... well.. i have to get going now. bye." i walk the opposite direction from the greenhouse. studying could wait, i had much better things to do.

hiya guys!
hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
sorry i posted this a little late, i've been working on a book recently and some school stuff so i havent had much time to upload on here, but i still will, the chapters just might seem a bit rushed.
hope you all have an amazing day!
byeee :)

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