the date

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y/n's point of view

me and cedric decided to sit together at the quidditch world cup and have that be our date.

i had changed my outfit to something more date-like since what i had been wearing jeans and one of freds shirts that was super oversized that it went down to my knees. i thought it would be weird to wear one of freds shirt on a date with someone who wasn't fred. i wasnt a big fan of skirts, i much rather like wearing pants, but Cedric seemed like a fancy type of guy so i assumed something more "feminine presenting" would be more his taste.

(this is y/ns outfit<3)

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(this is y/ns outfit<3)


me and cedric were sitting beside each other, talking, waiting for it to begin. he put his arm around my shoulder, inching closer to me.

i didnt mind it really, it wasnt like he was trying to do anything really bad.

we were talking about a lot of things but at the same time nothing at all.

i have to be honest though, he is really sweet. he let me speak as much as i want, not like other people i know. some people would barely let me get a word in in a conversation, but cedric wasnt like that.

but he wasnt fred.

fred would make flirty and mean jokes, jokes where it seemed like we are dating and jokes that seemed like he hated me because they seemed so mean. fred would have a fun and playful tone whenever he was speaking and fred was the boy that i liked.

but i wasnt on a date with fred.

i was on a date with cedric.

and cedric wouldnt make flirty and mean jokes, cedric wouldnt speak in a fun and playful tone and cedric was not the boy that i liked.

but i will like him. i will make myself like him. if that means i can get over fred.

the quidditch world cup had ended, finally.

i had enjoyed it, but being with cedric the entire time and that wasnt really enjoyable.

"it was great spending time with you today." cedric tells me, "i must go now, bye, darling."

"bye cedric!" i say with a smile. the second he leaves my smile fades.

i run over to ginny, george, fred, and ron.

"sooo, how was your dateee?" ginny asks me in a sing song voice.

"it was...." i didnt want to say it was bad, because ginny seemed so excited about it, i didnt want to let her down. "it was great! i really enjoyed it. i think he did too, so thats good."

in the corner of my eye i see the color on freds face fade away but i ignore it, thinking that its all just in my mind.

"thats great! i think yall would be a cute couple!" ginny claims!

"yeah." i mutter.

hello friends!
i hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
the next chapter will hopefully be an angsty confession but who knows🤷‍♀️
bye everyone! :)

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