late night

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y/n's point of view

it's around 10PM and we all were sent to bed by molly, but that was not our plan. we were all going to wait until molly went to bed and sneak into the twins room and play truth or dare. soon we all are in the room we begin playing truth or dare. im sitting beside freddie of course.

"truth or dare, harry" hermione asks. "uhm, truth." he says in response. "who, in your opinion, is the prettiest person in this room?" she asks giving a wink to ginny.

"well, uh, i'd have to say ginny." he says, nervously, blushing. ginny starts turning red.

after a while, i get asked by george "y/n, truth or dare?" i decide to choose dare. he comes over to me and whispers the dare into my ear. he had dared me to flirt with fred for the rest of the game. of course me and fred would flirt a lot but it was all jokes and it was obvious that it was just joking around. i didnt know how to actually flirt, i never did it, because i've never really shown interest in any guys or girls.

well except for fred. but no one knew that.

george tells the group that my dare was to sit on freds lap for the rest of the game, giving me a wink. i guess that would be a good start.

i look over to fred who's face had turn bright red. i bring myself closer to him, and then take a seat on his lap, my back facing him. i try my best to hide my nervousness.

"hello, darling."i whisper into his ear and i see him grow more flustered. the game continues on and every so often i try my best to grow the courage to say something to him, to continue my dare, but i have nothing going on in my mind. im about to say something when i suddenly feel something.

his hands wrapping themselves around my waist as he places his head on my shoulder.

it grows more late and hermione and ron leave, the room know left with me, fred, ginny, harry, and george. that is until george leaves to go to the bathroom. ginny and harry are focused on their own conversation and i make the decision to get off of fred, finally, since the game had already ended. but then as im getting up, fred brings me back down to him, my back still facing him.

he whispers into my ear, "is this really what you were told to do, y/n?" i feel one of his hands going up my shirt. "mhm" i anxiously reply, trying to hid the blush plastered on my face.

"are you sure?" he slowly brings his other hand onto my thigh, rubbing circles into it.

"im sure, freddie." i tell him.

a memory suddenly gets put back into my brain.

at the beginning of the game, george had given fred a dare, no one knew what it was, it was just a dare given that he didn't just then do, that i assume everyone had forgotten about.

thats when it hit me.

george had dared both me and fred to flirt with each other.

fred wasnt doing this because he fancied me, he was doing it because he was told to. i wish i hadn't made that discovery, however.

i thought he fancied me.

but that would never happen to me. he would never feel the same way i do.

his hand goes higher up my shirt, when i grab his wrist. "not happening, fred." i bring his hand from out of my shirt.

i get up and walk out of the room, and he must of seen the look on my face, because soon i hear a pair of feet following behind me.

it was fred.

"hey, wait up!" he said.

at this point we are already at the door of my room. he pulls me into a hug. i feel like saying something, but i dont. i just hug him back.

fred's point of view

i hug her. im not sure why i do it, but i do it. it felt like the best thing to do. i soon feel her hug back, her hands tightly gripping on me.

do you ever feel so warm and loved inside by someone who's a friend?

is that normal?

i guess its normal. i mean whenever y/n hugs me, i feel like the best person on the planet. i feel like even if the whole world was tumbling apart, crashing down, brea-king the earths force, i would still want to be hugging her, still having being my last memory, my last hug, my last though, my last everything.

i wanna kiss her under the moonlight, kiss her by the stars, kiss her when the sun comes up every morning. i want her to be the first person i see when i wake up, i want her to be the last thing i see before i go to bed at night.

i want her.

i want her to be mine.

but you know, this is all platonic, right?


y/n's point of view

"can you stay here tonight?" he whispers into my ear.

"freddie, im staying here for the whole summer."

"no i mean.... in my room."

he wants me to stay in his room tonight.

"of course." i hug him tighter.


its 12AM and george had already fallen asleep. me and fred just lay beside each other in his bed talking. i still cant belive im in the one and only fred weasley's bed. i mean we arent really cuddling or anything but still.

"i missed you, y/n. so much. im so glad that you get to stay here." fred says.
" i missed you too, freddie."

we continue talking and soon i lay on my side, my back facing him. we continue our conversation and i soon feel his hand wrap around my waist, and he places his head on shoulder. he feels so warm and loving. its just so many feelings that flood my brain all at once.

soon i feel myself falling asleep. i hear his soft whisper into my ear, "i love you, y/n."

"i love you too, freddie."

i slowly fall asleep.

freds point of view

"i love you y/n."
shit. why did i say that. she would never love me back. she doesnt like me like that.


"i love you too, freddie."

i love you too, freddie.
she loves me.

she really loves me.

hii! hope you enjoyed this chapter! tbh i kinda zoned out during writing this chapter, so i hope it makes sense lol
bye! :)

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