yule ball

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sorry it took my so long to post this chapter, ive been super busy recently unfortunately :/
i hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it!!!

y/n's point of view

finally. today is the day of the yule ball. i would say i am rather excited about it.

although i had a greatly large amount of time left, i had began getting ready. first, i brushedy hair, not doing much to style it, since i had liked the way my hair was naturally, and there was no need to change it. as i was doing my makeup when someone opens the door to my dorm room.

"hello, love." he walks over to me, pulling me into a strong embrace from behind.

"hello freddie." i turn to look at him and place a kiss on his soft and gentle lips, then resuming back to doing my makeup.

"excited for the ball?" he asks, laying his head on my shoulder.

"yeah! im actually getting ready right now, and if you dont mind i would like some privacy when im changing." i look at him, giving him my full attention as i had finished doing my makeup.

"oh come on, its not like i havent seen you like that already."

he was right. one time, before me and fred began dating, he had walked into my dorm, when i was changing. its a pretty funny moment to look back on if im being honest.

i was changing from out of my pajamas and into my uniform, in a bit of a rush, as breakfast was already almost over. my pajamas left on the floor, i was left in very little clothing about to get my uniform on when i heard the door open and a voice..... freds voice.

"hey y/n, could i borrow one of your-" he says finally noticing me, practically naked.

i turn to look at him, completely forgeting that turning around would expose more of my body, adding on to the mortifying embarrassment that had settled upon me in that moment.

"uhm...." he says shocked, and i can see his eyes roam my body, making me grow more nervous as i cant identify whether hes looking at me with lust or disgust.

"im sorry... ill just go." he says, walking out.

end of flashback

"i was thinking maybe we could do something more...... interesting." he says into my neck, kissing it.

i knew what he was implying and i knew he was joking, only really wanting some kisses and cuddles, but i had things to do..... but i mean, i guess they can wait.

"fine." i give up. i immediately see his face light up in happiness, his smile growing brighter, "but only for a few minutes." i add.

we sit on my bed and he immediately pulls me atop of him and kisses me, passionately, smiling into the kiss. his hands roam my body, not leaving one inch of it left out, bringing his kisses down to my neck, to my collar bone, all the way down to my chest, where he stops and looks up at me and kisses me on the forehead.

i hear him mumble something, but i don't understand what he said, so i leave the thoughts of all the possibilities of things he could have sad - good or bad - out of my mind.

fred's point of view
i look at myself in the mirror, in my suit, yet barely paying any attention to whats being shown in the mirror, as all of my thoughts are about y/n.

i loved her so much and i wanted to tell her that everyday and show her how much i love her, but i feel like the idea of showing vulnerability is like showing an enemy your weakness, even if that enemy is y/n, and that in any particular moment that i show how much i want her - no need her in my life, she could just leave my heart shattered in millions of pieces.

thats not what i was thinking about though.

thats just something thats always at the back of my mind.

what i was thinking about was her - or us i guess you could say. i wanted to do something for her, something to show that i loved her, something so perfect that she'll have the best night of her life. but i dont know what that something is....

or at least... not yet.

y/n's point of view
i had walked down the stairs in my dress, watching all the other people who have already arrived have fun with their friends and lovers. it all felt so.... peaceful. it felt so perfect.

as i reach the end of the stairs i look for fred, unable to find him i give up, when i feel something - no someone.


my fred.

he had placed a gentle kiss on my neck, hugging me from behind, tightly. "hello love" he places a kiss on my cheek and we walk over to harry, ginny, ron, and hermione.

it had begun to get late, the stars outside shining brighter than usual, becoming more and more gorgeous.

"hey, could we go for a little while? i wanna show you something." fred expresses, looking me deeply in the eyes.

the ball was close to ending and i was dreading the idea of keeping my promise to cedric, and save my final dance with him. there was no way that i was going to deny freds offer.

"of course, fred, i'd love to!" i say, very eagerly.

i wonder where he is going to take me. it could be anywhere. where would fred take me?

i am a very curious and impatient person, even though i will find out where fred is taking me any minute now, my mind is left crowded with million ideas of the possible places that fred could be taking me to. at some point i came up with an entire list of places inside of my brain.

places fred could be taking me
- his dorm
- the quidditch feild
- the astronomy tower
- the room of requirements
- the greenhouse
- possibly somewhere outside of hogwarts

i bring all of the possible scenarios and places out of my mind, as i soon realize where exactly fred is taking me.

the astronomy tower.

he is taking me to the astronomy tower.

i wonder what it is there he is wanting to show me.

there is so many possibilities, how could i possibly choose one?

i try to bring my thoughts out of my mind and think of something else, but there is absolutely nothing else that i can try and think of. but i still try to bring the thoughts out of my mind, even if i fail to do so multiple times.

hello everybody! how are you all doing today? i hope your all doing well! :)
this chapter was so long it took me so long to finish it so i hope you all enjoy it!
this beat my longest chapter in this story with over 1180 words!
well thats really it i guess
bye!!! <333

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