a chance

537 5 14

y/n's point of view

i leave the tent to gain some fresh air, and leave the chaos of the weasley family, when i bump into someone.


i look up to see a quite charming face on his face, looking down at me. "hello, darling." he says to me.


fred always called me darling. i loved when fred called me darling.

but i didnt love cedric calling me darling.

"uh- hello cedric."

"you look rather beautiful by the way."

"uhm.. thank you."

"would you like to go on a date..with me" he says with slight pause, still seeming confident.

i didn't want to go on a date with him. i wanted to go on a date with fred. i wanted fred to be the one asking me on a date. but i know that'll never happen. maybe i should give him a chance...just to be nice, you know?

"of course, cedric. i'd love to go on date with you." i lied, knowing that i would much rather go on a date with fred.

"wonderful. well ill see you soon M'lady." he says taking my hand, giving it a kiss, just as he did when i was first introduced to him.


or not? maybe im just still stuck on freddie. i probably like cedric, but im just too hung up on fred. i need to get over him. i like cedric now. totally.

ginny walks out of the small tent, looking at me with a grin on her face.

"soooo.. you're going on a date with cedric" she says with a playful tone.

"how do you know?"

"i might have been listening to your whole conversation." she says, as i turn my attention to her, my back facing the tent.

freds point of view

"where's ginny?" i ask george.

i needed to talk to ginny. she was very close with y/n and i needed some help. i needed to do something, i needed to tell her how i feel, or get her to stay farther away from cedric, i saw the way he looked at her, and if i didnt do something quick, then he would have her all over him.

"i think she went outside, ill come with you, i need to get some fresh air anyways" he responds to me.

we walk outside to see ginny and... y/n.

we stay quiet at first as we dont want to disrupt their conversation... who am i kidding we wanted to earsdrop on their conversation.

"i might have been listening to your whole conversation." ginny says to y/n, as y/n's back was facing the tent, meaning she couldnt see us. ginny didnt seem to notice our presence.

what conversation? with who?

"well its not that big of a deal. its just one date." y/n says.

a date? really? with who?

then it hits me like a train.


that mother fuc-

my thoughts were cut off by george whispering to where the girls couldnt hear him, "sorry dude. seems like cedric got her first."

i felt like crying.

my y/n was going on a date with cedric, that absolute pain in the ass. why him? why couldnt she just like me?

i walk back inside of the tent, feeling tears drown out from my eyes.

why did she have to choose him?

i really you guys enjoyed this chapter of "is this platonic?"
i hope you guys have a great day/night!!!
love yall bye!<3

is this platonic?; fred weasley x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now