the end

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this is the final chapter of 'is this platonic?'
i really dont want to end this, but i feel that if i go on with this story, it will never end
hope you enjoy!

2 years later
y/n's point of view

and ran over to ginny, oliver, and fred on the quidditch field, congratulating them for winning.

i had absolutely no idea that i would be the one getting congratulated.

i pulled fred into a hug, my hands wrapping around his neck, his hands sliding down to my waist.

he soon pulled away, and then he.. did it.

he got down on one knee.

and pulled out a ring.

"y/n, you are the best person in my entire live, i dont know what i'd ever do without you. will you marry me?"

i feel tears fall down my cheek. happy tears.

"yes, fred!" the crowd of people who i just then realized were watching us this entire time started cheering. fred pulled me into a passionate kiss, and held me close to him.

in this moment, time just stopped.

i didn't think life could get any better.

but it did.

20 years later
me and fred now have two kids, one girl, Mel, and one genderfluid kid, Kai. Mel is nine and Kai is fourteen. These passed years have been the best in my entire life.

I could never ask for anything more in my life.

Everythings perfect.

this is officially the end of  'is this platonic?'
i myself am genderfluid so i decided to have one of their kids be genderfluid, because whenever i read fanfics that end like this, its never any kids that are  LGBTQIA+ so i felt that i had to add some of it here.
i hope you all enjoyed this series!
im actually starting a new story called 'this isn't fake' its a fake dating trope mattheo riddle x reader fanfic and by the time this is posted the first chapter should be uploaded :)

forever and always,

is this platonic?; fred weasley x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now