Cynthia X Male NSFW Artist Reader

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???: Big bro? You awake?

???: ....

???: Mom said it's you're turn to drop me off to school.

???: Really?

???: Yeah! So get up.

A hand came out the bed sheets and takes off the cover, revealing a man in the bed.

???: I'll be waiting at the living room.

The man gets out of the bed and grabbed his phone from the charger. Looking at the black screen, his reflection is shown.

(Y/N): (Y/N), you look like shit.... But slightly handsome.

Turning on the phone, he sees all the messages. Ranging from YouTube video notifications, emails, Discord messages, and a text message from the phone company, urging him to pay for his phone bill. Getting out of the bed, (Y/N) put his clothes and shoes on. Grabbing his skateboard from the closet, he was about to leave but when he opened the door, a dog comes running into the room and started tearing his covers and sheets up.

(Y/N): Goddamnit, Doofus! You stupid dog!

He had to pick him up and bring him out the room, closing the door behind him. He grabbed the leash that's hanging on the wall and hooked it on the dog's collar. The dog somewhat calmed down and (Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N): At this point, I have to use my clothes as covers...

He goes downstairs with the dog and see his mom on the couch, watching those cooking shows, knowing full well, she won't actually cook those food. The mom heard (Y/N) came downstairs and greeted her son.

(M/N): Your brother, Joseph is waiting for you! Stop standing around and go drop him off to school already!

(Y/N): Yeah, love you too mom.

He and the dog exits out the house and see Joseph waiting for him on the stairs.

Joseph: Is that you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah it's me. Dude, tell that mutt to stop coming to my room and tearing my bed up!

Joseph: Rocket is not a mutt! He's just adjusting to the environment.

The dog, Rocket went to Joseph and happily pant while Joseph pets him.

(Y/N): We've been here for 2 years! That dog is a asshole!

Joseph: Please don't call him that either! Let's get going, before I'm late.

(Y/N): Fine. Got you're walking cane?

Joseph holds it up.

Joseph: Aren't you impressed I can get around without my cane and dog?

(Y/N): Yeah, only in our home. Now let's go.

(Y/N) placed down the skateboard and rode on it while Joseph and Rocket walked. They walked down the street, feeling the windy breeze as they walk.

Joseph: So (Y/N), how you made from your "art" recently?

(Y/N): Around 500 dollars. Lately, I've gotten less commissions and it's kinda bothering me.

Joseph: I'm sure you'll get more commissions soon.

When they arrived to the school, (Y/N) reached into his pocket and gave Joseph a pack of gum.

(Y/N): Something for you and your friends to share. Now I'll see you later little bro.

Joseph: You too. And thanks for the gum.

He opens the pack and take one out, and when he opened it, he smells the gum.

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now